🛠️ The level of communication in the Driver-Navigator style can adapt depending on the experience of the 'Driver.' As you pair more, you can operate on higher levels of abstraction, making the process even more efficient. #PairProgramming #Adaptability #Efficiency
#efficiency #adaptability #pairprogramming
The Traits of All Successful People #Success #Resilience #Discipline #Adaptability #StoicMinds #Stoicism
#success #resilience #discipline #adaptability #stoicminds #stoicism
Master Resilience: Life Lessons from The Odyssey #TheOdyssey #Resilience #LifeLessons #StoicMinds #AncientWisdom #Perseverance #Adaptability #PersonalGrowth #Stoicism
#theodyssey #resilience #lifelessons #stoicminds #ancientwisdom #perseverance #adaptability #personalgrowth #stoicism
Adopting a productivity technique like the Pomodoro isn't about adhering to rigid rules. It's about finding a rhythm that works best for you. #10xSoftwareDelivery #Adaptability
#adaptability #10xsoftwaredelivery
Next week, I will present our (authors being @thist, @boente Martin Volk & me) paper about the #adaptability of #Transformer-based OCR models for #historical documents at the ADAPDA workshop @icdar2023. Preprint available here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373124507_The_Adaptability_of_a_Transformer-Based_OCR_Model_for_Historical_Documents. Disclaimer: This preprint has not undergone any post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in Document Analysis and Recognition – ICDAR 2023 Workshops, and is available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41498-5_3. #digitalhumanites #OCR #HTR #letters
#adaptability #transformer #historical #digitalhumanites #ocr #htr #letters
Measuring and acting on an organisation’s DEI goals are critical elements for achieving internal impact. One path forward is for leaders to be more systematic early in strategy development, considering the objectives and desired level of impact from their programs.
#Leadership #Management #OrganisationalBehaviour #CapabilityDevelopment #GrowthMindset #Value #PerformanceTuning #TransformationJourney #Resilience #Adaptability #DEI
#leadership #management #organisationalbehaviour #capabilitydevelopment #GrowthMindset #value #performancetuning #transformationjourney #resilience #adaptability #dei
Continually strive to optimize the team's schedule. As the team and the company evolve, so should the schedule. #10xSoftwareDelivery #Adaptability
#adaptability #10xsoftwaredelivery
Do leaders achieve more through fear or inspiration? Results or relationships? Let's explore these classic leadership debates and how the most effective leaders integrate complimentary elements situationally.
#Leadership #Management #FearVsInspiration #ResultsVsPeople #OrganizationalCulture #LeadershipStyles #Motivation #Strategy #DecisionMaking #Ethics #Adaptability #EmotionalIntelligence #LeadershipCoaching #ABeautifulMess #Compassion #Empathy
#empathy #compassion #abeautifulmess #leadershipcoaching #emotionalIntelligence #adaptability #ethics #decisionmaking #strategy #motivation #LeadershipStyles #organizationalculture #resultsvspeople #fearvsinspiration #management #leadership
To successfully navigate volatile environments, organisations need to adopt a process mindset that creates a culture of psychological safety, breeds team cohesion, promotes adaptable leadership, and emphasises agility.
#Leadership #Management #OrganisationalBehaviour #CapabilityDevelopment #GrowthMindset #Value #PerformanceTuning #TransformationJourney #Resilience #Adaptability
#leadership #management #organisationalbehaviour #capabilitydevelopment #GrowthMindset #value #performancetuning #transformationjourney #resilience #adaptability
Planning is crucial, but it's just the starting point. In a world of uncertainty and complexity, we must remain flexible and open to change. Embrace the unexpected, adjust your course, and keep learning along the way. It's all part of the journey.
#Adaptability #LearningMindset
#adaptability #learningmindset
With the Benefit of Hindsight, How Do You Feel About Your Commencements Now? https://createadaptablelife.com/2023/05/with-the-benefit-of-hindsight-how-do-you-feel-about-your-commencements-now.html #adaptability #choices #OuestionofTheWeek
#adaptability #choices #ouestionoftheweek
My May 2023 CAL newsletter: How Can You Use What’s Remarkable About You to Create an Even Better Life?
text: https://createadaptablelife.com/2023/05/how-can-you-use-whats-remarkable-about-you-to-create-an-even-better-life.html
video: https://youtu.be/hoKooOMEHeg #unique #adaptability
Embrace complexity with #SystemsThinking 🌐 Uncover the interconnectedness of actions & thoughts, fostering #adaptability, #resilience & meaningful growth in life's evolving tapestry 🧩 #MindsetMatters #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #LifeLessons #HolisticApproach
#systemsthinking #adaptability #resilience #mindsetmatters #personalgrowth #selfimprovement #lifelessons #holisticapproach
🧘♀️Approaching life with an open mind and flexibility can turn challenges into opportunities. Let go of preconceived notions and embrace the unexpected! 😃 #lifeskills #adaptability #mindsetshift
#LifeSkills #adaptability #mindsetshift
In “Exploring the #cultural #heritage space #adaptability of the Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal based on point of interest data” Shuhan Li et al use #Python, #ArcGIS &R to examine the interaction between #urban linear heritage and the adaptability of the canal.
#urban #arcgis #Python #adaptability #heritage #cultural
There are several #values that can help you achieve success in any job or task you undertake:
By embodying these values, you can increase your chances of doing a job well and achieving #success in your #career.
#career #success #creativity #teamwork #communication #adaptability #integrity #diligence #responsibility #values
Adaptability and flexibility are important skills for success in a rapidly changing world. Embrace new experiences and opportunities to grow and thrive. #Adaptability #Flexibility #ChangeManagement
#adaptability #flexibility #changemanagement
Keynote at DevNexus 2023 about Soft Skills to force multiply your technical talent #communication #adaptability #kindnessGratitude
#Mindfulness By @arungupta
#communication #adaptability #kindnessgratitude #conflictresolution #mindfulness
A quotation from Child, Julia:
Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know?
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #accident #adaptability #cooking #hygiene #ignorance #resilience #spill
#quote #quotes #quotation #accident #adaptability #cooking #hygiene #ignorance #resilience #spill
A quotation from Lowell, James Russell:
This imputation of inconsistency is one to which every sound politician and every honest thinker must sooner or later subject himself. The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #adaptability #changeofmind #evolution #flexibility #inconsistency #intellectual #opinion #politician #stubborn #thinker
#quote #quotes #quotation #adaptability #changeofmind #evolution #flexibility #inconsistency #intellectual #opinion #politician #stubborn #thinker