„Na klar kenn ich Wagners ‚Nibelungen Saga‘… vom Namen.“
Wem es ähnlich geht, dem sei diese Comic-Adaption ans Herz gelegt. Eine massive Hardcover Ausgabe mit reichlich zusätzlichen Informationen und Einblicken in den Schaffensprozess. Hier mein Eindruck:
#CrossCult #Nibelungen #Wagner #Oper #Adaption #Rezension #Review
#review #rezension #adaption #oper #wagner #Nibelungen #CrossCult
Neue Klassik-Adaption des Steigerlieds begeistert auf YouTube #Brauchtum #Sachsen #Musik #Deutschland #Internet #Bergbau #Dresden #Steigerlied #Klassik #Adaption #YouTube https://www.diesachsen.de/kultur/neue-klassik-adaption-des-steigerlieds-begeistert-auf-youtube-2896586?utm_source=mastodon
#brauchtum #Sachsen #musik #deutschland #internet #bergbau #dresden #steigerlied #Klassik #adaption #youtube
@georgetakei Actually it is. Humans and many other beings have survived for so long because they changed with their environment. It's only now we're so detached from our natural surroundings because somewhere in the past we told ourselves we're separate from nature. Which funny enough is also the reason we got ourselves into this mess. #ClimateChange #Climate #Adapt #Change #Adaption #Transformation #Science #Biology
#ClimateChange #climate #adapt #change #adaption #transformation #science #biology
It’s 105 f (110 heat index) in #Sacramento at quarter to four. Siesta time is part of my #adaption strategy. #heatwave #CAWx
#sacramento #adaption #heatwave #cawx
“What we learned at the dawn of the #pandemic is that the most important decisions on #climatechange aren’t made at the U.N. but in the IMF, World Bank, G20, and New York State legislature. It’s those entities which can free up resources for #climatemitigation and #adaption.”
#pandemic #climatechange #climatemitigation #adaption
These poor creatures reached their adaption limits, caught in a perfect storm not of their making:
- Excessively warm oceans, calm seas and cloudy days affecting the oxygen levels dramatically
- The Dead Zone 240km away
- Trapped
As we push life around us to the brink of extinction, best we remember that like them we also have adaptation limits.
#ClimateCrisis #adaption #quintanabeach
@peterdutoit Could you help me understand please? 1/ What are the definitions of #mitigation and #adaption that you're using here (apologies if I should know this) and 2/ What limits do you see adaption having? - Thanks for helping increase my #ClimateLiteracy
#mitigation #adaption #ClimateLiteracy
New satellite technology, using LiDAR, is allowing for much more accurate understanding of surface elevation of costal areas.
The older technology was picking up tree tops and buildings and thus over estimating elevation.
This new, more accurate data, has profound impacts on our understanding of the impacts on sea level rise and the speed at which they will arrive.
#ClimateCrisis #SeaLevelRise #Adaption
#ClimateCrisis #sealevelrise #adaption
What loss of #Arctic summer #SeaIce means:
#Extinction : #PolarBear cubs lose their playgrounds on floating ice sheets.
# Loss of known weather patterns :
- bad for agriculture, nature, #biodiversity, #adaption .
#Health :
- human, plant, and animal health suffers, including insects, in more and longer heatwaves.
- some pollinators lose fertility in heatwaves; offspring has even lower fertility.
- Stationary heat in Alaska's and Canada's heated rivers kills #salmon and animals who used to feed on salmon, like the #grizzly . #Extinction
#permafrost thaw
- speeds up. CH4 is emitted which accelerates warming and increases impacts, including impact on further #PermafrostThaw 🔁
#ForestFire :
- stationary heat evaporates water from forest and causes bigger fires. Wrt boreal fires, we lose the carbon sink.
- Air pollution: for animals and humans in Siberia but also in Moscow, air in summer becomes toxic from the smoke. #Miscarriage
- #GHG emissions CH4, CO2 increase from more fires. All the fossil CO2 that had been so neatly parked in forest trees, is emitted at once. Which accelerates heating 🔁
#GhostFire :
-ignited #peat from fires started in summer heatwaves can smoulder on through winter under snow, and flare up again next spring, hot or not. More #GHG , more permafrost thaw 🔁
#Drought :
- #Azores high expands then, and pushes the Iceland low AND its rains, further North. Regions fall dry which used to get their summer rain from the Iceland low (or even winter snow, but then due to #AMOC slowdown – which expands the Azore high in winter).
Northern Italy, France, the Alpes, Benelux, Germany... dry when we lose sea ice. Dryer still in more or longer heatwaves. #Fires 🔁 #CropLoss #WaterScarcity #WaterWar with #Industry and #PowerGeneration
- Northern Europe receives more rain because the Iceland low has to drop its ballast somewhere.
-More #Flashflood like July 2021 in Belgium and Germany in more frequent stationary lows like Bernd.
#monsoon Asia / China is affected by loss of sea ice. But I forgot how.
#arctic #seaice #extinction #polarbear #biodiversity #adaption #health #salmon #grizzly #permafrost #permafrostthaw #forestfire #miscarriage #ghg #ghostfire #peat #drought #azores #amoc #fires #croploss #waterscarcity #waterwar #industry #powergeneration #flooding #flashflood #monsoon
As cities grow and the world heats up, it may be time time to swap your air-conditioner for more houseplants.
Read Dr Tamil Salvi Mari on why the urban jungle needs more trees:
#climate #adaption #urbangreening #sdgs
Ein paar der Widmungen, die ich in letzter Zeit in meine Graphic Novel zu 20.000 MEILEN UNTER DEM MEER gemacht habe.
#20000meilenunterdemmeer #vingtmillelieuessouslesmers #twentythousandleaguesunderthesea #20000leaguesunderthesea #zwanzigtausendmeilenunterdemmeer #julesverne #adaption #widmung #dedication #comic #comics #graphicnovel #comicbook #comicbooks #zeichnung #drawing #signatur #signieren #arronax #nemo #nautilus #meer #ocean #sea #klassiker #classic #romangraphique #illustration
#illustration #romangraphique #classic #klassiker #sea #ocean #meer #nautilus #nemo #arronax #signieren #signatur #drawing #zeichnung #comicbooks #comicbook #graphicnovel #comics #comic #dedication #Widmung #adaption #julesverne #zwanzigtausendmeilenunterdemmeer #20000leaguesunderthesea #twentythousandleaguesunderthesea #vingtmillelieuessouslesmers #20000meilenunterdemmeer
Erfolgsfaktor Digitalisierung Auf dem Weg zur Sozialwirtschaft 4.0 | Bank für Sozialwirtschaft https://info.makeitsocial.net/erfolgsfaktor-digitalisierung-auf-dem-weg-zur-sozialwirtschaft-4-0-bank-fuer-sozialwirtschaft/
#Digitalisierung #Transformation #SozialeArbeit #Sozialwirtschaft #Befragung #Adaption
#adaption #befragung #Sozialwirtschaft #SozialeArbeit #transformation #digitalisierung
well, #scrum is a collection of some good practices and intentions… but it could profit from some #inspection & #adaption.
How to run a #retrospective?
Regular #inspection & #adaption is key in mostly all work environments today. About a year ago I recorded a clip for you about how to do it: https://youtu.be/i0ONYFE4nEo
#retro #agile #scrum
#retrospective #inspection #adaption #retro #agile #scrum
RT @brigitte_d@twitter.com
#Servicetweet: #DavosStandard bzw. #SichereRaumluft für alle - und insbesondere auch für Kinder - zu fordern ist nicht das andere Extrem zu Anti-Vax-Querdenkern.
Es ist notwendige und alternativlose #Adaption.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/brigitte_d/status/1618146908958248962
#servicetweet #davosstandard #sichereraumluft #adaption
European forests are increasingly affected by natural disturbances, a new monitoring study shows - and #climatechange is likely exacerbating this, according to the results of an international team of scientists.
👉 https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/europes-forests-increasingly-under-pressure
#climatechange #forest #walder #adaption
This could be interesting. #videogames #adaption https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/henry-cavill-star-executive-produce-warhammer-40000-1234649189/
Okay, so I decided to upload the scripts for the first two episodes of my #Ryusoulger #adaption, #PowerRangers Chivalry Force: https://www.wattpad.com/story/329350706-power-rangers-chivalry-force
#ryusoulger #adaption #powerrangers
RT @brigitte_d@twitter.com
Das *neue Normal*ⓉⓂ finde ich bisher nur so mittel.
- OP-Termin verschoben ✅️
- ständiger Schulausfall ✅️
- überall lange Wartezeiten ✅️
- geplatzte Handwerkertermine✅️
- ständig überraschte Bekannte, die zig Infektionen "nachholen"🙄🤦♀️✅️
Zeit für #Adaption, oder?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/brigitte_d/status/1597989829043949568