"For Those Who Have Heart" by #ADayToRemember is probably one of the most underrated albums from the genre and from that time frame. It is often overshadowed by it's younger, differently talented brother "Homesick", but this album had so many bangers: The Danger in Starting a Fire, The Plot to Bomb the Panhandle, Monument, I Heard It's the Softest Thing Ever... I mean, the whole album is an easy listen start to finish. Check it out if you haven't given it a chance!
1. #Deftones
2. #Metallica
3. #TowerofPower
4. #KillswitchEngage
5. #ADayToRemember
6. #Incubus
7. #JimiHendrix
Each of these #Bands or #Artists had an influence on me growing up through today. There are many more I take #inspiration from, but these are #Formative in how I listen and play #music today.
#7bandstoknowme #deftones #metallica #towerofpower #killswitchengage #adaytoremember #incubus #jimihendrix #bands #artists #inspiration #formative #music
1. In the End - #linkinpark
2. Lose Yourself - #eminem
3. Never To Late - #threedaysgrace
4. Chop Suey - #systemofadown
5. Dear Agony - #breakingbenjamin
6. Make It Rain - #edsheeran
7. The Downfall of us all - #adaytoremember
#geeksocial #music #songs #gettoknowme #follow4follow
#7songstoknowme #linkinpark #eminem #threedaysgrace #systemofadown #breakingbenjamin #edsheeran #adaytoremember #geeksocial #music #songs #gettoknowme #follow4follow