TODAY is the day
#undiasininmigrantes #adaywithoutimmigrants #boycottflorida #1dejunio #paronacional #latinosunidos
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TOMORROW is the day
#undiasininmigrantes #adaywithoutimmigrants #boycottflorida #1dejunio #paronacional
///Familia, Thursday, June 1, will see what will be arguably one of the most eventful and consequential manifestations to take place in U.S. history. Employers and lawmakers get ready to experience "A Day Without #Immigrants". Learn more
@latinorebels /// #ADayWithoutImmigrants
#immigrants #adaywithoutimmigrants
"On June 1, a strike among Latinos and their allies dubbed "A Day Without Immigrants" is scheduled to take place in cities across the country in protest of the anti-immigrant laws passed in Florida and other states."
My latest for
#UnDiaSinInmigrantes #ADayWithoutImmigrants
#undiasininmigrantes #adaywithoutimmigrants