@josh What really gets me to going ballistic is #AdblockerBlockers, forced-in & technically unnecessary Cookies and noreply- eMail- and Vanity Numbers:
All that shit should be so very illegal that I think @Netzausbau sould terminate any NoReply - Line or domain using such eMail Adresses....
@skiant Yes and no.
OFC it's what people do to other people, not that they do it in the :fediverse: or anywhere else.
No in that technology is paywalled and thus the systemic issues are being amplified.
This causes a whole ecosystem of #ValueRemoving #Rentseekers like #CloudFlare to even exist in the first place, which at as #ManInTheMiddle and exert #control by being not only able but willing to block @torproject #Tor users...
It's like #AdblockerBlockers: Their business should be illegal!
#adblockerblockers #Tor #control #ManInTheMiddle #CloudFlare #rentseekers #valueremoving