#YouTube really began banning #adblockers... I can't even.
Any #suggestions on what gimmicks I can use to circumvent that?
#youtube #adblockers #suggestions
Se avete uno smartphone #android andate nelle impostazioni di rete, dns privato, ed impostate dns.adguard.com (potete usarlo anche da PC).
E dite addio alla maggior parte della pubblicità.
#adblocking #adblockers
#android #adblocking #adblockers
If large websites respected our choices regarding ads (DNT is a decade old, people!) and served contextual ads when asked to not track, we would not need to use #AdBlockers.
Instead, for over a decade now web publishing industry's been hell bent on screwing readers over, ignoring clearly stated preferences, misrepresenting what they do with the data, and using dark patterns to maliciously mis-implement legal requirements when forced to do so.
Stop this crap and I might disable my AdBlocker.
If you are wondering what I did to my #website... well, this is what i did, lmao
Me and @gianmarcogg03 have decided to block users who are using #chrome or #chromium based shit browsers in response to #manifestv3.
For more information on why we are doing this: https://gianmarco.gg/blinky/
TL;DR: Manifest v3 will kill #adblockers.
#adblockers #manifestv3 #chromium #chrome #website
Google's trying to DRM the internet, and we have to make sure they fail - YouTube
@tthbaltazar I boycotted Firefox until very recently. But Google is now planning to use their power to have the majority of web browsers implement #drm, restrict what #adblockers can do (e.g. they could allow you to block anything except Google Ads), Chrome Enterprise customers such as myself don't need to worry about the #privacy side of things but it's still pretty bad. I am contractually obligated to pay Google Workspace (whether I use it or not) until at least July 2024 but after that idk.
This will really do it. Really going to make me finally leave the internet for good. Thanks. 😤 #AdBlockers
How about don't force me to not use my adblocker? I doubt this is for security at all but rather to shove more ads in our face
#Ads #Privacy #DataProtection #DigitalRights #News #Tech #UnblockMyAccess #AdBlockers #Blocker #Technology
#technology #blocker #adblockers #unblockmyaccess #tech #news #digitalrights #dataprotection #privacy #ads
I'm wondering if you have any #thoughts on the "#Web #Environment #Integrity" proposal by some #Google folks. I wrote a short thread about it, but would be interested in hearing your thoughts before reading it (if you do read it - I'm not demanding it 😀 ).
Re: it's essentially a proposal to #lock #down #browsers so they can't do things the web #publishers don't want - think #adblockers, #extensions that modify content, etc.
#thoughts #web #environment #integrity #google #lock #down #browsers #publishers #adblockers #extensions #badidea
@lewdum *nodds in agreement*
#Ads and #Tracking ruined the #Web and #Media and using #AdBlockers is a #ConsumerRight as well as #DigitalSelfDefense!
#digitalselfdefense #consumerright #adblockers #Media #Web #Tracking #ads
However, I really hate ads... So for _myself_, I've landed on the following:
Pay for #Youtube, #Nebula and streaming services for video, and #Spotify for music.
To "combat" the free-to-play-hell that is the mobile games market, I subscribe to #AppleArcade and buy good games, like #MonsterTrain.
However, I DO use #AdBlockers when surfing the web, but I try to whitelist sites, and subscribe to some news outlets.
#adblockers #monstertrain #applearcade #spotify #nebula #youtube
InviZible Pro
Android application for Internet privacy and security
InviZible Pro combines the strengths of Tor, DNSCrypt, and Purple I2P to provide a comprehensive solution for online privacy, security, and anonymity. You can use them all together or activate only one or two at once.
Download & Guide: https://github.com/Gedsh/InviZible/wiki
#foss #android #OpenSource #Privacy #Security #Tor #dnscrypt #i2p #purplei2p #inviziblepro #root #adblockers #oss #FLOSS
#FLOSS #oss #adblockers #Root #inviziblepro #purplei2p #i2p #dnscrypt #Tor #Security #Privacy #OpenSource #Android #FOSS
I use an ad blocker. Occasionally I visit a page that pops up a notice saying in effect, "We see that you're using an ad blocker. We depend on ads to avoid charging subscriptions. You can support us by turning off your ad blocker."
On the one hand, I like these sites and want to support them. On the other, I never click on ads. Never. If I turned off my ad blocker, I'd hinder myself without helping them. So I don't turn it off.
Am I just rationalizing? #AITA?
#ethics #adblockers #ads #aita
Just learned that YouTube is testing a new three-strike policy against ad blockers. Users with ad blockers are receiving warnings to disable them or face blocked video playback after watching three videos.
YouTube aims to generate revenue through ads or encourage users to subscribe to YouTube Premium. This move comes as ads are a major source of revenue for YouTube. Let's see how this test unfolds! #YouTube #AdBlockers #YouTubePremium
#YouTube #adblockers #youtubepremium
Non sono uno che guarda molti video, seguo giusto due tre persone su #youtube , visto che ora voglio rendere la vita difficile agli #adblockers volevo dare un'occhiata ai contenuti italiani di #peertube e devo dire che sono rimasto deluso, carrellando velocemente ho visto solo video di #Fakenwews . Mi indicate delle istanze dove trovare video di qualità?
#youtube #adblockers #peertube #Fakenwews
@v Aquí una relación de muchas listas de bloqueo para tu proyecto del #PiHole
« It’s not all about you, ad firms. »
I do agree. It's about what I chose to let transit or not via the internet connection I am paying for. #AdBlockers are a way (amongst others) to carefully select which bytes are allowed on my computer and which are not.
#YouTube - another #bigdata company crossing a line
#adblockers #YouTubepremium
#youtube #bigdata #adblockers #youtubepremium
Show less unobtrusive ads and make sure you aren't selling data and maybe some people will watch ads.
But you can't do that, can you?
YouTube tests disabling videos for people using ad blockers https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/29/23778879/youtube-videos-disabling-ad-blockers-detection
#youtube #google #videos #adblockers #ads #technews