ICAO: 040202
Flt: ETH418 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/12 10:24:10
Min Alt: 2787 m MSL
Min Dist: 24.68 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040202
Flt: ETH418 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/12 07:40:02
Min Alt: 3114 m MSL
Min Dist: 24.04 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040101
Flt: ETH404 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/12 03:51:02
Min Alt: 3046 m MSL
Min Dist: 26.27 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 04016D
Flt: ETH405 #EthiopianAirlines #TLV-#ADD
First seen: 2023/09/12 01:22:24
Min Alt: 4279 m MSL
Min Dist: 25.21 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
1. Finding my lost $60 when I took clothes out of the dryer.
2. My son pointly asked about turning off the hose watering one bush only. For 3 hours.
3. Finding my opened can of beer finally. After an hour or 2. The beer was now 116°.
ICAO: 04016C
Flt: ETH418 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/09 14:07:38
Min Alt: 2543 m MSL
Min Dist: 25.82 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Goedenmiddag, Freunde! #Linsensuppe #Paulaner #Schleichwerbung #Add #KommInMeineGruppe
#komminmeinegruppe #add #schleichwerbung #paulaner #linsensuppe
ICAO: 04005C
Flt: ETH404 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/08 04:00:46
Min Alt: 2718 m MSL
Min Dist: 28.71 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040079
Flt: ETH404 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/07 03:52:37
Min Alt: 2566 m MSL
Min Dist: 26.22 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040104
Flt: ETH414 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#ADD
First seen: 2023/09/06 20:44:57
Min Alt: 2330 m MSL
Min Dist: 22.27 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040087
Flt: ETH405 #EthiopianAirlines #TLV-#ADD
First seen: 2023/09/06 01:22:23
Min Alt: 4462 m MSL
Min Dist: 18.96 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: https://www.clinicians-exchange.org
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers: https://lem.clinicians-exchange.org
A 3-year-old short video, but a good one from SciShow -- a
consumer-oriented YouTube science show which is generally well-done.
Goes into:
-- ADHD and sleep disorders overlaps
-- Chicken and the egg problem -- which comes first
-- Altered Circadian Rhythm & ADHD correlation
-- Sleep Onset Insomnia: Is treating it a way to improve ADHD symptoms
(pretty much YES, although more research would be good)
Lots of research, although mostly children's studies. Should many
people with ADHD be taking melatonin?
*The Overlooked Connection Between ADHD and Sleep**
By SciShow Psych. About 6 minutes long.
#ADHD #ADD #attention #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #sleep
#melatonin #sleeponsetinsomnia #CircadianRhythm #counseling
@psychology @psychologists @psychologist
@psychiatiry @socialwork #counselors #counseling
NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot
#adhd #add #attention #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #sleep #melatonin #sleeponsetinsomnia #circadianrhythm #counseling #counselors
ICAO: 040078
Flt: ETH404 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/09/04 03:37:01
Min Alt: 2490 m MSL
Min Dist: 26.29 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040211
Flt: ETH419 #EthiopianAirlines #TLV-#ADD
First seen: 2023/09/02 16:24:13
Min Alt: 2756 m MSL
Min Dist: 27.23 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
I haven’t written in my ADHD blog for a while, partly because we’re moving house today.
A few days ago I had my ADHD assessment and diagnosis. I managed to find a few minutes in between packing to gather my thoughts and write a quick post.
Here’s how it went: https://write.as/a-dude-has-adhd/neurodivergence-adhd-now-official
#neurodiverse #ADHD #ADD #FediBlog #WriteAs #blog #ADHDBlog #MentalHealthBlogger
#neurodiverse #adhd #add #fediblog #writeas #blog #adhdblog #mentalhealthblogger
ICAO: 040190
Flt: ETH404 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/08/31 03:47:37
Min Alt: 2574 m MSL
Min Dist: 28.61 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040126
Flt: ETH405 #EthiopianAirlines #TLV-#ADD
First seen: 2023/08/31 01:20:32
Min Alt: 2756 m MSL
Min Dist: 24.79 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 040126
Flt: ETH404 #EthiopianAirlines #ADD-#TLV
First seen: 2023/08/30 03:20:18
Min Alt: 3061 m MSL
Min Dist: 27.95 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
My ongoing adventures in using Linux on the desktop landed me on Pop OS, and I must say I like it. A lot more of a "just works" vibe to the basics (as in, getting it installed with sound coming out of the speakers and whatnot), and I've been using it pretty comfortably for a few days now.
Never really stuck with using Linux for my main desktop because of one thing: The time and energy investment for trying a new thing was always just that little bit higher. And one of my #ADD traits is shying away from anything my brain thinks is too energy-consuming to get started, so that's always clashed. But that's all a lot better now, big distros have more welcoming interfaces and I know more things.
Also, the font rendering doesn't look quite as much like ass these days. Used to be a pretty big gap compared to Windows/MacOS on this one.
ICAO: 040190
Flt: ETH405 #EthiopianAirlines #TLV-#ADD
First seen: 2023/08/29 01:40:03
Min Alt: 4653 m MSL
Min Dist: 23.94 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence