(1/2) Section 53 of the #adequacydecision states that «[t]he [Department of Commerce] will monitor on an ongoing basis the effective compliance with the [Data Privacy Framework‘s] Principles» by carrying out «‘spot checks‘ of randomly selected organisations» and «ad hoc spot checks of specific organisations when potential compliance issues are identified.» So far, so good, right?
My first concern regarding yesterday‘s #adequacydecision by the European Commission [C(2023) 4745 final] is that self-certification will not safeguard #privacy at all. Given that #bigtech corporations have a terrible track record of simply ignoring the #GDPR or mutilating it by «creative» interpretation, their claims to comply with the Data Privacy Framework‘s principles ring pretty hollow.
Independent privacy audits as a condition for (re-)certification would have served data subjects better!
#adequacydecision #privacy #bigtech #gdpr
EU Commission adopts new EU-US data transfer framework https://www.euractiv.com/section/data-privacy/news/eu-commission-adopts-new-eu-us-data-transfer-framework/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #adequacydecision #CJEU #dataprivacy #dataprotection #DidierReynders
#adequacydecision #CJEU #dataprivacy #Dataprotection #didierreynders
European Commission (Reynders) announces the adoption of the #adequacydecision for the U.S.
#dpf #SchremsII #dsgvo #gdpr #adequacydecision
Unser Webinar zum #PrivacyShield mit Dr. @mschirmbacher (Härting) ist jetzt als Video online:
Verlinkt sind auch die Präsentation und Bidens Excecutive Order. Aktuelle Dokumente der EU-Kommission (@EU_Commission ), u.a. der Entwurf für einen #Angemessenheitsbeschluss hier:
#Drittstaatentransfer #DatenschutzAmMittag #AdequacyDecision
#PrivacyShield #angemessenheitsbeschluss #drittstaatentransfer #DatenschutzAmMittag #adequacydecision