@Qantas boots 78yo man from business class - https://apple.news/AK3Xf4IBQRuuKMVZ8YlOd2A | So, a typical day for Australia’s “flagship” airline? Great to see #QANTAS continuing to uphold the #Australian spirit with its “high-quality” customer service… Oh, wait. | #QANTAS #Vietnam #Veteran #VietnamVeteran #ADF #AustralianDefenceForce #AustralianArmy #RoyalAustralianNavy #RoyalAustralianAirForce
#qantas #australian #vietnam #veteran #vietnamveteran #adf #australiandefenceforce #australianarmy #royalaustraliannavy #royalaustralianairforce
@Qantas boots 78yo man from business class - https://apple.news/AK3Xf4IBQRuuKMVZ8YlOd2A | So, a typical day for Australia’s “flagship” airline? Great to see #QANTAS continuing to uphold the #Australian spirit with its “high-quality” customer service… Oh, wait. | #QANTAS #Vietnam #Veteran #VietnamVeteran #ADF #AustralianDefenceForce #AustralianArmy #RoyalAustralianNavy #RoyalAustralianAirForce
#qantas #australian #vietnam #veteran #vietnamveteran #adf #australiandefenceforce #australianarmy #royalaustraliannavy #royalaustralianairforce
All of this is w/in #ADF’s #constitutional rights. But forcing #lawyers to submit to #indoctrination by ADF embodies the antithesis of #FirstAmendment values…. Somehow, #Starr is exquisitely sensitive to a perceived #bias against Carter (a SW #FlightAttendant who sent #graphic #antiabortion msgs to a fellow flight attendant) —though there’s scant #evidence SW was motivated by animus toward her faith— &resolutely oblivious to the offensiveness of required reeducation training at the hands of ADF.
#starr #bias #flightattendant #graphic #antiabortion #evidence #adf #constitutional #lawyers #indoctrination #firstamendment
#ADF is a full-throated, highly effective combatant in the #CultureWars, w/particular — & to many people, particularly offensive — views about #abortion & #LGBTQ+ #rights. It argued in favor of #criminalizing homosexual conduct & against #gays in the #military. It #litigated cases defending the rights of #Christian bakers & website designers to refuse to provide services for #SameSex weddings; it’s in #court right now arguing that the abortion drug #Mifepristone should be taken off the market.
#adf #culturewars #abortion #lgbtq #rights #criminalizing #gays #military #litigated #christian #samesex #court #mifepristone
#Texas #judge again orders #Southwest #lawyers to “#reeducation camp”
#JudgeStarr’s order referred to “esteemed nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to preserving #FreeSpeech & #religious #freedom,” but (the Alliance Defending Freedom) #ADF is no neutral, academic entity.
#JudicialActivism #JudicialEthics #law #legal #extremism #FarRight
#texas #judge #southwest #lawyers #reeducation #judgestarr #freespeech #religious #freedom #adf #judicialactivism #judicialethics #law #legal #extremism #farright
Membres @AVPC_Girona i @adfgirona realitzem, de manera periòdica, patrullatge per les zones boscoses del nostre terme municipal per tal de detectar possibles columnes de fum.
The #judge held #lawyers for #SWA in #contempt of court for their actions in a #religious-discrimination case brought by a fmr flight attendant & ordered them to undergo “religious liberty training.” And not just any instruction, but training conducted by the #AllianceDefendingFreedom (#ADF), a #conservative group that litigates against #SameSexMarriage, #TransgenderRights & #AbortionRights.
#Judiciary #Law #Trump #TrumpJudge #SouthwestAirlines #RightWing #extremist #ReeducationCamp #Texas
#judge #lawyers #swa #contempt #religious #alliancedefendingfreedom #adf #conservative #samesexmarriage #transgenderrights #abortionrights #judiciary #law #trump #trumpjudge #southwestairlines #rightwing #extremist #reeducationcamp #texas
A #Trump #judge sends #SouthwestAirlines to #RightWing #ReeducationCamp
Another day, another extremist #ruling by another #extremist #TrumpJudge, & this decision — from #Texas, no surprise — is straight out of “The Handmaid’s Tale.”
#Judiciary #Law #AllianceDefendingFreedom #ADF #conservative #SameSexMarriage #TransgenderRights #AbortionRights
#trump #judge #southwestairlines #rightwing #reeducationcamp #ruling #extremist #trumpjudge #texas #judiciary #law #alliancedefendingfreedom #adf #conservative #samesexmarriage #transgenderrights #abortionrights
#Auspol #AUKUS #Palestine #ALPConference
“Respect for a common humanity demands attention to the human rights of Palestinians. A common humanity, not just Australia’s, is also at risk in the carefully promoted assumptions that China is our enemy, hence the AUKUS engineered purchase of obscenely expensive nuclear-powered submarines to protect US economic interests by patrolling Chinese coasts.”
From: @Hannibal_
#auspol #AUKUS #palestine #alpconference #uspol #defence #adf
#Auspol #AUKUS #Palestine #ALPConference
“Respect for a common humanity demands attention to the human rights of Palestinians. A common humanity, not just Australia’s, is also at risk in the carefully promoted assumptions that China is our enemy, hence the AUKUS engineered purchase of obscenely expensive nuclear-powered submarines to protect US economic interests by patrolling Chinese coasts.”
From: @Hannibal_
#auspol #AUKUS #palestine #alpconference #uspol #defence #adf
#ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) is a certified #hateGroup by the SPLC. The #freedom they defend is the freedom of #Christians to dictate the lives of everyone in the nation. It is an evil organization that seeks to criminalize #homosexuality, and shove gays back into the closet.
#LGBTQ #Christofascists #ChristianNationalism #ChristianityIsAHateGroup
#adf #hategroup #freedom #Christians #homosexuality #lgbtq #christofascists #ChristianNationalism #christianityisahategroup
"In god we grift"
I saw this at Alcoa. It makes this an uncomfortable and potentially unsafe environment. #auspol #adf
It would also explain why so many bad things are happening at the #adf and they are being covered up.
When I read that Sinéad O'Connor was no longer here, I saluted her memory with a track she recorded with ADF.
This is another by the same band, with a highly relevant title and meaningful lyrics sung by Catalisa –
Asian Dub Foundation, "Truth Hides" (2000)
"Truth hides
whenever we lose our focus,
slips out the back,
quickly replaced by the bogus fleeting soundbites disguised as facts …"
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers #asiandubfoundation #adf
Discover the intriguing role of #ADF/#cofilin1 in #microglia morphology and function! Don't miss poster T04-002B by Denise Roggan 💫 at the #gliameeting in #Berlin today. @dzne #GLIA2023
#adf #microglia #gliameeting #berlin #glia2023
I guess now that I'm figuring out this platform I should do an #introduction
I'm a #pagan #witch and #druid who just married my husband, @CaptainSharky, late last year. We also have two rescue #cats. My pronouns are she/her and I have a #history degree and work as a substitute teacher. I'm also a #barbershop #chorus singer (though I'm on break from that right now) and a #501st volunteer costumer.
My spouse and I regularly attend conventions and enjoy #anime #cosplay #videogames #gaming #boardgames #dnd #jeeping #hiking and #zumba. I also enjoy #manhwa #manga #reading #curlyhair care and #weightlifting. I'm also a #furry!
I consider myself a #gaulishpolytheist, French-American Folk Practitioner, and #cottagewitch. I'm an #AODA (Ancient Order of Druids in America) Candidate, a #GCC (Gnostic Celtic Church) Novitiate, and an #ADF (A Druid Fellowship) member.
#witchcraft #folkwitch #frenchfolkwitch #paganism #druidry #teaching #education #costuming #colorado
#introduction #Pagan #witch #druid #cats #history #barbershop #chorus #501st #anime #cosplay #videogames #gaming #boardgames #dnd #jeeping #hiking #zumba #manhwa #manga #reading #curlyhair #weightlifting #furry #gaulishpolytheist #cottagewitch #aoda #gcc #adf #witchcraft #folkwitch #frenchfolkwitch #paganism #druidry #teaching #education #costuming #colorado
This case from #adf regarding #303creative is yet another example of ADF's MASSIVE shortcomings in building a case that makes any sense, yet for some reason still making sweeping precedents for legal discrimination in the US.
#supremecourt failed to do its basic due diligence
#adf #303creative #supremecourt
"dEsIgN iS mY pAsSiOn"
#303Creative #ErinMorrowHawley #JoshHawley #AllianceDefendingFreedom #ADF
#303creative #erinmorrowhawley #alliancedefendingfreedom #adf #joshhawley