Ich habe #Facebook in den vergangenen Monaten mehrere betrügerische Anzeigen und gefälschte Profile gemeldet. Nun ratet doch mal, wie #fb in der Regel darauf geantwortet hat?
#anzeigen #meta #adfraud #socialmedia #cybersecurity #cybersicherheit #fraud
#facebook #fb #anzeigen #meta #adfraud #socialmedia #cybersecurity #cybersicherheit #fraud
There's plenty else WEI can do (it would make detecting #AdFraud much easier), but for every legitimate use, there are a hundred ways this could be abused. It's a technology purpose-built to allow rent extraction by stripping us of our right to #TechnologicalSelfDetermination.
#adfraud #technologicalselfdetermination
The context here is that various governments around the world have taken notice of the tech/news problem, and are chasing a counterproductive "solution" - the #LinkTax, where tech firms are required to pay for the links and short snippets their users or news search-tools make to news-stories. In some cases, the "tax" is indirect: tech is required to negotiate a payment to make up for other misdeeds (like ripping publishers off with #AdFraud).
Ad Fraud ist ein Bombengeschäft! In meinem Blog-Artikel erfährst du, wie du Werbe- und Anzeigenbetrug verhindern kannst.
#adfraud #werbung #anzeigen #marketing #online #adtech #clickinjection #anzeigenbetrug #spoofing
#spoofing #Anzeigenbetrug #clickinjection #adtech #online #marketing #anzeigen #werbung #adfraud
"Historici zullen zich later afvragen hoe het heeft kunnen gebeuren dat in onze tijd met behulp van tracking cookies zoveel verdeeldheid kon worden gezaaid"
Prachtig interview Bob Hofman @AdContrarian door @HansNijenhuis nav #adfraud event in @Europarl_NL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1640337969688072193
Effective marketing or intrusive targeting?
This afternoon, we will discuss the future of (political) advertising and #AdFraud.
Together with @AdContrarian, Wojtek Telko, @johnnyryan @TomDobber @donath_anna @LeitaoMarquesEP and @echo_pbreyer
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1633771600603480067
Stell dir vor, du hast eine Anzeige im Web geschaltet, um den Verkauf eines neuen Produktes anzukurbeln. Aber, am Ende des Tages kommt nichts bei dir an.
Die Ursache dafür könnte Ad Fraud sein (...)
#adfraud #Anzeigenbetrug #werbebetrug
@trisschen lolwuot?
I'm convinced these shitsites only exist for #AdFarming and #AdFraud...
While checking for malvertising redirects via popunder traffic, I came across a number of WordPress blogs doing some strange scrolling. It turns out they all had the same plugin that facilitates ad fraud.
I wasn't sure if those sites had been hacked or not, until I found they were all built by the same web developer. One hypothesis is that he was backdooring his customers' sites with this ad fraud plugin. Another could be that he was selling them a feature for monetization.
Here's the full writeup:
Cyberkriminelle verwenden aktuell bösartige Werbung in Form von Google Ads in weiträumig angelegten Werbekampagnen, um Malware zu verbreiten. Die Malware wird dazu genutzt, um Passwörter zu stehlen und Unternehmens-Netzwerke für Ransomware-Angriffe zu durchbrechen. Damit sind die Google-Suchergebnisse zu einer Brutstätte bösartiger Werbung geworden.
#adfraud #googleads #ransomware #malware #teufelswerk #cybersecurity #itsicherheit #googlesearch #werbung
#adfraud #googleads #ransomware #malware #teufelswerk #cybersecurity #itsicherheit #googlesearch #werbung
"The attack, dubbed #Vastflux, was discovered by researchers at Human Security, a firm focusing on fraud and bot activity. The attack impacted 11 million phones, with the attackers spoofing 1,700 app and targeting 120 publishers. At its peak, the attackers were making 12 billion requests for ads per day."
#Malvertising #AdFraud
#vastflux #malvertising #adfraud
Anzeigenbetrug: Bis zu 11 Millionen iOS-Geräte von VASTFLUX betroffen
Eine gigantische Malvertising-Kampagne soll 1700 Apps fürs iPhone befallen haben, sagen Sicherheitsforscher. 120 Entwickler wurden offenbar zu Opfern.
#AdFraud #Anzeigenbetrug #AppStore #Apps #Malware #iOS #iPhone
#adfraud #anzeigenbetrug #appstore #apps #malware #ios #iphone
This evening, live webinar with @acfou@twitter.com
Where? Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-j1sdrbs6Q
#fouanalytics #brandsafety #adfraud
"some of which may lead to law enforcement action. However, money matters. Stopping attackers from profiting will reduce the attacks. Winning the economic game is how we win as an industry against cybercriminals"
#AdFraud #Cybercriminals
Why can’t #GoogleSearch manage to get rid of all the fake coupon websites? The type that “has” coupons for every shop and service imaginable. (In reality, they just want you to click their affiliate link for said service for a cut of the action.) Bing seems to be better at filtering out —at least some — of these sites. Yandex is even worse than Google. #WebSpam #AdFraud
#googlesearch #webspam #adfraud
Traffic is the lifeline of a digital biz, but watch out! Over 20% of site visitors may not be what they seem. Invalid traffic, aka ad fraud, can threaten ad revenue and mess with conversion rates. Fight back with these tips to detect and stop sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) #digitalmarketing #adfraud https://cybersec.cheq.ai/s/what-is-sophisticated-invalid-traffic-sivt-6372
Recently while looking for #malvertising chains I came across something odd. There was an adult site loading a Google ad.
I figured the two shouldn’t be together based on Google’s content policies. That’s when I realized the site was engaged in #adfraud and there was a lot more beneath the surface.
Here’s the blog article I wrote about it:
Recently while looking for #malvertising chains I came across something odd. There was an adult site loading a Google ad.
I figured the two shouldn’t be together based on Google’s content policies. That’s when I realized the site was engaged in #adfraud and there was a lot more beneath the surface.
Here’s the blog article I wrote about it:
Ad Fraud: Wie du Werbe- und Anzeigenbetrug verhinderst
Stell dir vor, du hast eine Anzeige im Web geschaltet, um den Verkauf eines neuen Produktes anzukurbeln. Alles läuft super! Die stati
#Cyberrisiken #DigitalMarketing #Marketing #SocialMedia #Tipps #Werbung #AdFraud #Anzeigen #Anzeigenbetrug #Bots.ClickFraud #Impressions #PixelStuffing #SEO #teufelswerk #Werbebetrug #Werbenetzwerke #Werbeplattformen #Werbung
#Cyberrisiken #digitalmarketing #marketing #socialmedia #tipps #werbung #adfraud #anzeigen #Anzeigenbetrug #bots #impressions #pixelstuffing #seo #teufelswerk #werbebetrug #werbenetzwerke #werbeplattformen
Targeted ads are a cesspit of #AdFraud. 15% of all ad revenues are just *unaccounted for*:
The remaining funds aren't any more trustworthy. Ad-tech is a #bezzle ("the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it"):