#adhder #ADHD #ADHDwomen #ADHDbabes #adhd2022 #Mentalhealth
a New Episode is available!!
#ADHDer #adhd #ADHDwomen #adhdbabes #adhd2022 #mentalhealth
#adhder #ADHD #ADHDwomen #ADHDbabes #adhd2022 #Mentalhealth
a New Episode is available!!
#ADHDer #adhd #ADHDwomen #adhdbabes #adhd2022 #mentalhealth
RT @itsamoopoint318@twitter.com
Dear NT Friend,
I am not ignoring you. I just forget you are there sometimes. Don’t be mad please. Object permanence makes me forget about things that aren’t right in front of my face. I will find you again.
#ADHDTwitter #ActuallyAutistic #ADHD2022 #AuDHD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/itsamoopoint318/status/1595071429128626177
#adhdtwitter #actuallyautistic #adhd2022 #AuDHD
RT @marcalmodovarjr@twitter.com
I can’t wait to look at this footage years from now. Such amazing things ahead.
@j0n_j0n@twitter.com representing our community, @mensADHDsupport@twitter.com at #adhd2022 next to some amazing people like @adhdessentials@twitter.com , @blkgirllostkeys@twitter.com , @HowtoADHD@twitter.com & @danidonovan@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/marcalmodovarjr/status/1597409269799714819
RT @adhdatwork@twitter.com
if you are trying to maintain a habit with #ADHD- plan to lose interest in 2-3 weeks after starting. To maintain it, change an aspect of the habit to make it more interstate. ex.exercise- change the time you workout, the type of activity or buy a new outfit. #ADHD2022 #adhdatwork
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/adhdatwork/status/1594030217634480130
Love this. Storytelling leads to community building.
RT @adhdatwork@twitter.com
lessons learned from @blkgirllostkeys@twitter.com speech at #ADHD2022 conference 1. there is so much power in telling your story 2. build your community 3. don't be afraid of the label 4. embrace your whole self. 5. access your community 6. labels are a gateway to resources and community.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/adhdatwork/status/1594119137344688128
Remember that one time I had a chaotic and super informative and interesting conversation with several other ADHD folks in product/tech?
And then recorded it for you all?
Definitely worth a listen. https://www.prodpad.com/product-management-resources/webinars-talks-podcasts/adhd-in-product-webinar/
With #adhd2022 taking place, & I wish I was there, it's time to roll this blog out once more
My identities very much include 'neurodiverse'. I live with #ADHD, #OCD and #PTSD. I also live with anxiety which manifests itself in varying ways
#adhd2022 #adhd #OCD #ptsd #diversity
Apparently there is a conference today called #ADHD2022 and I either didn't know about it, or I gorgot to put it in my agenda.
Sorry, I mean 'divergent'.