@gordoooo_z @purplepadma
My podcast genre favorites vary. I was first interested in awareness so liked Kristen Carders'.but then became interested in some of her guests and their books and podcasts. I followed those focusing on my issues #adhd #emotionaldysregulation
I listened today and liked Laura Key , I think on Ultimate and Smart Ass Women. On Smart Ass she was a high
flyer which I relate to. #AdhdSuperhumans
#adhd #emotionaldysregulation #rejectionsensitivitydysphoria #anxiety #adhdsuperhumans
I have been known to rant on this topic here.
You win a t-shirt.
I post mainly politics and adhd which I only became aware of at 68, wtf? There are threads on threads behind great posts not the viral thing. I've seen it once here. You can talk to people directly in open forum. Have a four year friend from the old site that neither of us knew we were both #adhd there. Only clue looking back is that nobody else could keep up to date on a topic with us.
Dear fellow #adhdSuperhumans:
Yes we are creative and curious.
Harvey Cushing
Wilbur Wright
Scott Kelly
Galileo Galilei
Ted Nelson
Bill Gates
Sir John B. Gurdon
Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla
Michael Faraday
Louis Pasteur
Steven Hawking
Benjamin Franklin
Leonardo da Vinci
Isaac Newton
Alexander Graham Bell
Albert Einstein
It's already a prerequisite to have #ethics to be #adhdSuperhumans. It is not difficult for us to define ethics. It's right or it's wrong.
This is cutting edge information, especially related to struggling or successful entrepreneurs with ADHD aka #adhdSuperhumans.
It's all about our perspective. I have been rewriting some of my old journal entries that were full of #neurotypical bias. It is shocking how they read without that bias and expectations we place on ourselves.
#adhdsuperhumans #neurotypical
^^^^THIS is what I am writing about now. Diagnosed two months ago at 68. We always knew we were different. We also know we are smarter. We can do everything #neurotypicals can do, and things they can never do. All those myths about #adhd with incorrect, negatively biased labeling has hurt us more than anything else.
I am going farther with it. Evolution does not go in reverse.
#ADHDSuperhumans have evolved for a reason.
It is to save the world.
#Neurotypicals #adhd #adhdsuperhumans
@FisherTX14 Thanks, Fisher, I’ll check this out. Totally agree about the #ADHDSuperhumans concept—my ability to hyper focus is a gift at work. But then there’s the messy stuff. 😜 I’m glad I spoke up here. Have gotten some good references to resources.
Just an added FYI because I listened to a really good one last night. It was also on Kristen Carder's I Have ADHD in the library. It was with with Dr. Ned Hallowell. He is in my camp of, "oh yes we can be #ADHDSuperhumans" with treatment, ongoing treatment, and meds.
And the new most important thing. Coaching each other.
This is a free site, and not any kind of endorsement. So, since we all have #adhd, here's the link.
@obrerx @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
You are incredibly brave and honest. Damn. Now I have to do it. I'm a little more to the #adhd side and my son and grandchildren more #actuallyautistic. I'm getting mixed reviews with my #adhdSuperhumans take. The fast moving awareness is starting to show what I mean with that. Everything in the world is judged by what neurotypicals do. And none of us bought in on that from the beginning. Dancer or worker unit?
#adhd #actuallyautistic #adhdsuperhumans
@jeffers00n @deviantollam
Even top ADHD experts and coaches view the world from the nuerotypical perspective. Why is it assumed that nuerotypical is best for human evolution? It seems a growing subset of neurodiverse people could guide us into the future better than a bunch of people who think alike.
He is on right now. Tell Me Everything
#adhd #autism #adhdsuperhumans
I was going to maintain one of my old Mastodon profiles for #adhd talk. But it is part of my life, so I am posting here. So, forgive me too, I post on #politics and other #jackassery. But #adhd is a part of me, so this will be my only profile. And, it will hopefully spread the word about #adhdsuperhumans
I will try to remember to hashtag first for those not interested.
#adhd #politics #jackassery #adhdsuperhumans