Hello, rejection sensitivity sucks. Ok, bye.
#neurodivergent #adhd #adhdthings
I need to either finish the inks on this piece or put it down for the day and switch to video games and the fact I have to make a choice seems to have completely jammed up my brain. #ADHDthings
I'm just trying to clean up a room. Moving furniture, sweeping, organizing, etc. I'm so sweaty! This isn't my usual response to just cleaning a room!
But if I didn't take the medication I may have taken twice as long getting this work done due to distractions and loss of motivation. So is this a good exchange? Hard to know at this point.
#ADHD #ADHDers #AdultADHD #ADHDMedicine #ADHDThings #ADHDTip
#adhd #adhders #adultadhd #adhdmedicine #adhdthings #adhdtip
I was diagnosed with ADHD recently as a woman in her early 30s. I'm not sure what to do with this information exactly. I'm taking a medication for it+ or at least o try to remember to take it regularly - and I hate how sweaty it makes me. But I think it helps. I think.
Can anyone relate? Words of wisdom, mutual complaints are welcome :ablobwave:
#ADHD #ADHDers #AdultADHD #ADHDMedicine #ADHDThings #ADHDTip
#adhd #adhders #adultadhd #adhdmedicine #adhdthings #adhdtip
LET THE RECORD SHOW that the first thing I did today set the hyper fixation. Again. As it usually does. As I knew it would.
There is no "I'll just quickly check on..." There is only "this is my world now." #ADHDThings
I need to reboot my brain. Oh. Maybe meal. AND CLOSE THE DAMN TABS or I'll trigger it again.