Socialmedia ist glaub ich echt nicht so meins.
Die Flut an schlechten Nachrichten nimmt mir die Hoffnung und den Glauben an die freiheitlich-demokratische Grundordnung.
Die Menschen die nach kleinem Widerspruch sofort beleidigen und abwerten weil ihr Übermenschen-Selbstbild gefährdet sehen nehmen mir den glauben an die Menschheit.
Sofern es nicht um Catpics geht is das alles doch nur toxisch.
Leider hinterlassen die handvoll Idioten ein schlechteres Gefühl als die 1000 Tollen
#adios #mastodon
Any of these tickle your fancy.
New Games with Gold for June 2023 - Xbox Wire
#Xbox #GamesWithGold #Adios #TheVale #Micorosoft #GamingNews
#xbox #gameswithgold #adios #thevale #micorosoft #gamingnews
Xbox Games with Gold, annunciati i giochi gratis di giugno 2023
#Adios #GamesWithGold #TheValeShadowOfTheCrown #XboxLiveGold
#adios #gameswithgold #thevaleshadowofthecrown #xboxlivegold
I think i'm done with Mastodon. I joined as an alternative to Twitter, I don't think this is, or ever will be, regardless of Musk and his stubborn stupidity.
I've made 2.3k posts and had maybe a couple dozen replies, I genuinely can't see any point continuing.
#adiós #Mastodon #Tiresome #Social?? 🤔
#social #tiresome #mastodon #adios
Definitivamente voy a dejar En lugar de #informar y ayudar al #periodismo son un foco de cotilleos políticos sesgados. #adiós
There will always be messages and replies coming in. I'm going to see the rest of them in the morning.
Living where the sun kisses the ocean.
#GoodNight #BonneNuit #CYA #GuteNacht #BoaNoite #Adios #Mastodon #Fediverse #Video #NovaScotia #Sunset #AltTex
#goodnight #bonnenuit #cya #gutenacht #boanoite #adios #mastodon #fediverse #video #novascotia #sunset #alttex
Red States want to #secede: LET THEM GO! Most #RedStates owe their livelihood to #BlueStates! Good 'effin' riddance! #Adios #Au_revoir #Auf_Wiedersehen #Arrivederci and for most #Republicans, #Do_svidaniya is more fitting!
#secede #redstates #bluestates #adios #au_revoir #auf_wiedersehen #arrivederci #republicans #do_svidaniya
pour le 1), le système de double anonymat n'empêche pas pour le tiers collecteur d'identifier que les demandes concerneront l'accès à des sites pornos car il n'y aura que ceux-là qui nécessiteront cette identification.
mais cela peut être contré par le fait que 2) oui, cela DEVRA être utilisé par tout un tas d'autres sites pour s'assurer que le 1) soit réduit.
Donc, par design, l'utilisation de ce système DEVRA être déployé le plus possible partout.
You seem busy! I try to focus on no more than two games at a time. Playing #blackmesa and finished #Adiós recently. I'll check some of those
#Threaten #you won't #speak to #me for a #while, I won't speak to you again #forever. #Goodluck in #life.
You don't #indirectly #insinuate a #threat then try #ignore the #fact. #Stockholmesyndrome doesn't work on me.
#threaten #you #speak #me #while #forever #goodluck #life #indirectly #insinuate #threat #ignore #fact #stockholmesyndrome #adios
Yes, this is going to be great! ✨
I can move all of the non-personal Twitter feeds I follow into the #Feedbro addon and rebuild a personal network on #Mastodon! ✌ 😄
FYI - The default article count per feed is 20, but I decreased mine to 10. I may modify it further in the future depending on how the total feed count impacts my system. #TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus #TheEnd #Finis #GoodbyeTwitter #Adios #HastaLaVista #AuRevoir #Sayonara
#sayonara #aurevoir #hastalavista #adios #GoodByeTwitter #finis #theend #twitterexodus #twittermigration #mastodon #feedbro
Gratis Games abstauben:
Ab sofort gibt's bei Epic Games die Spiele #Adios und #HellIsOthers #kostenlos. 🎁
Sagt Dir ein Titel zu? :)
#adios #hellisothers #kostenlos #gaming