I completely agree
Sadly, this has taught me, how terrible I am at choosing "friends"
must adjust my relative perspective. must adjust my relative perspective. must adjust my relative perspective.
#thoughts #frustration #adjusting
@orthoheterodox1 yeah, I think I just had to choose sign up instead of login, even though I already have a Mastodon account. And instead of a independent app, I am realizing Tusky is within Chrome on my phone so I have to login every time I leave the screen which is annoying but at least now I have more of the desktop functions on my phone...#adjusting
I keep catching myself trying to game the algorithm—but there is no algorithm.
The stuff in my feed is what I asked #Mastodon to put in my feed. No metagaming needed! It's a strange feeling to realize how I've trained myself to do this over the years.
#reclaimingmyexperience #deprogramming #adjusting #mastodon