Tails Tuesday 4th July 2023.
A line up of jet fighters, mostly Royal Air Force Tornadoes, with a French Air Force Mirage and a pair of Swedish Air Force Viggens at the back, lined up at Fairford Air Show, 22nd July 1995.
#Fairford #FFD #Airshow #Panavia #Tornado #Dassault #Mirage #Saab #JAS37 #Viggen #RAF #RoyalAirForce #ADLA #FrenchAirForce #SwedishAirForce #Flygvapnet
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography #TailsTuesday
#fairford #ffd #airshow #panavia #tornado #dassault #mirage #saab #jas37 #viggen #raf #royalairforce #adla #frenchairforce #swedishairforce #flygvapnet #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography #tailstuesday
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 1st February 2023: 763/AM (F-ZJAM), English Electric Canberra B.6, French Air Force, on display outside Musee de l’Air et de l’Espace, Le Bourget, Paris, 28th October 1993.
#Paris #LeBourget #museum LBG #LFPB #EnglishElectric #Canberra #FrenchAirForce #ADLA #ArmeeDeLair
#avgee. #aviation #planespotting #photography
#paris #lebourget #museum #lfpb #englishelectric #canberra #frenchairforce #adla #armeedelair #avgee #aviation #planespotting #photography