Whenever we start talking or explaining #ssi we focus on #dataownership and #usercentrisity. It is critical criteria, but it is not a game changer. You could find a lot of #administrative systems that offer it to some extent. For me, the essence of the self-sovereign system - is the untakable right to make a statement on behalf of yourself. Every member has equal possibilities and rights. You could simultaneously be an asset owner, issuer authority, or verification party. it is a gamechanger
#ssi #dataownership #usercentrisity #administrative
#SIMswapping is still a very real thing. Now, it's being used to bypass defense and detection methods within #Azure to gain full #administrative access for #Windows #VirtualMachines. This is pretty advanced, but it's still a big danger. #UNC3944 https://www.scmagazine.com/news/cloud-security/threat-actor-bypasses-detection-protections-in-microsoft-azure-serial-console?external_id=HBwZ-n4B490LDY0Z-dKj&external_id_source=mrkto&mkt_tok=MTg4LVVOWi02NjAAAAGLzUgAlV_uPRm28W067Sf5RayoZQN17Xrk53YEG17z3Gl_7qKsu2bjdUUW2CRUpserJQgXmMB46ieb_G5KrSlLHQGWs_K0TtXaXsrlmIPgkg
#Hacking #ThreatIntelligence #InitialAccess #LateralMovement #Persistence #Cloud #CloudAttackSurface
#simswapping #azure #administrative #windows #virtualmachines #unc3944 #hacking #threatintelligence #initialaccess #lateralmovement #persistence #cloud #cloudattacksurface
Today was an "Opinion" from the #CJEU:
"According to Advocate General Collins, a public body may, under certain conditions, prohibit its employees from wearing any visible sign of political, religious or philosophical belief in their workplace."
https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2023-05/cp230074en.pdf #secularism #neutrality #workplace #administrative #discrimination #islamophobia
#islamophobia #discrimination #administrative #workplace #neutrality #secularism #cjeu
Today was an "Opinion" from the #CJEU:
"According to Advocate General Collins, a public body may, under certain conditions, prohibit its employees from wearing any visible sign of political, religious or philosophical belief in their workplace."
https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2023-05/cp230074en.pdf #secularism #neutrality #workplace #administrative #discrimination #islamophobia
#islamophobia #discrimination #administrative #workplace #neutrality #secularism #cjeu
A #configuration #property that could not be modified until all apps that used it were stopped, and even then had to be destroyed and recreated instead of just updated. Yes, with #administrative permissions. No, updating custom task-specific #automation code should not have been part of the process, that detail should have been worked out a long time ago, but we never actually tried updating this bit of data until today. It had not varied since it was first established years ago…until today.
#automation #administrative #property #configuration
#Reuters 📆 December 9, 2022 ✏️ 📄 #Drafting an executive order to modernize U.S. 🇺🇸 #space regulation, which has #failed to keep up with the increasingly ambitious pace of private-sector #investment and #development. It's intended to #streamline approval for #private #rocket 🚀 #launches, considered an #early step to #simplify existing #regulations before new #rules take shape https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-administration-drafting-executive-order-simplify-space-rules-sources-2022-12-09
#SpaceRegulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #Starship
Pictures :
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lightmatter_paperwork.jpg, #FAA logo, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:(180)_Spider_web.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Soldier_Gambling_MOD_45148380.jpg
#reuters #drafting #space #failed #investment #development #streamline #private #rocket #launches #early #simplify #regulations #rules #spaceregulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #starship #faa
#Reuters 📆 December 9, 2022 ✏️ 📄 #Drafting an executive order to modernize U.S. 🇺🇸 #space regulation, which has #failed to keep up with the increasingly ambitious pace of private-sector #investment and #development, It's intended to #streamline approval for #private #rocket 🚀 #launches, considered an #early step to #simplify existing #regulations before new #rules take shape https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-administration-drafting-executive-order-simplify-space-rules-sources-2022-12-09
#SpaceRegulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #Starship
Pictures :
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lightmatter_paperwork.jpg, #FAA logo, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:(180)_Spider_web.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Soldier_Gambling_MOD_45148380.jpg
#reuters #drafting #space #failed #investment #development #streamline #private #rocket #launches #early #simplify #regulations #rules #spaceregulation #administrative #bureaucracy #reduction #starship #faa
Governor Dunleavy Establishes Task Force on Child Care
[the_ad id="30587"]
Alaska's Governor Dunleavy. Image-State of Alaska
(Anchorage, AK) – Thursday Governor Mike Dunleavy issued Administrative Order 346, establishing the Governor's Task Force on Child Care. The order takes effect immediately.
The task force is charged with developing a...
#346 #administrative order #Alaska #child care #dunleavy
#administrative #alaska #child #dunleavy
@benjaminwittes @Popehat
I will geek out on my #legal areas of interest sometimes though if asked. They’re small town things, though. All the stuff the big dogs like @benjaminwittes or @Popehat couldn’t care two “wittes” about (sorry Ben, couldn’t resist. I geek out on #property, #water, and #administrative law personally. But practice on any given day the gamut of estate planning, family #law, #criminal law, #guardian/conservatorship, #torts, #contracts, #trusts and when my wife retires from the Forest Service I’ll pick up my environmental & natural resource law chops again.
Also a licensed #mediator.
I solve run of the mill problems for run of the mill folks. If you’re ever of mind to chat in generalities .. hit me up. I won’t, however, give specific advice. That’s, erm, frowned upon w/o an atty client agreement and confined to the states I practice in.
I’ll end w/a little piece of general legal advice. Don’t be penny wise and pound poor. If you think you need to talk to a lawyer, you probably do. Make an appointment and see what they have to say before making decisions that could work out poorly for you and wind up costing a ton of money to fix later.
We’re like dentists. Nobody likes to see us. But, a little preventative maintenance goes a long way.
#legal #Property #water #administrative #law #criminal #guardian #torts #contracts #trusts #mediator
La #FNSEA est le poids lourd du #Lobbying de l' #AgroChimie
La #porosité installée entre le ministère et le nouveau président de cette même #Fnsea #ArnaudRousseau, céréalier dont le chiffre d'affaire est de 7 MILLARDS 🤯 va s'amplifier encore
Ces organismes de pression interviennent dans tous les rouages de la décision #Politique et #Administrative
La #SouverainetéAlimentaire la #Fnsea elle s'en fout
#fnsea #lobbying #agrochimie #porosite #arnaudrousseau #politique #administrative #SouveraineteAlimentaire
Job advertisement Administrative Assistant (80%)
@biozentrum @UniBasel_en
#Biozentrum #Basel #research #science #joboffer #administrative
#Biozentrum #basel #research #Science #joboffer #administrative
Begun reading #Chokepoint #Capitalism by Rebecca Giblin and @pluralistic and it's interesting to see a very identifiable political thread in its blurb people- Adam Conover, Lawrence Lessig, Zephyr Teachout, Jimmy Wales.
These people, who I would, personally, characterize as left-liberals much of the time, provide an interesting anchor point in the political and economic movement for #socialjustice. Some of them have gained an amount of reach and are viewed as experts or at the very least accessible communicators.
In the introduction we see a point of tension in the dialectic between "the minimum demand" (mild, almost performative reform) and "the maximum demand" (#revolution from the root to a different system). #Trotsky is known for the transitional program, but *Reform and Revolution* by #Luxemburg, a bunch of #Kautsky. It's a very long current in the camp of people that want to replace the relations of society and production.
Fascists obviously have used critiques of capitalism in order to gain a political audience, but Germany during the Third Reich reminds one a lot of the kind of incestuous relationship of dominant industry and the political elite.
The question is basically, can what is in many ways a deep overhaul of the #administrative state, something everyone thinks of when they think of Sen. Elizabeth #Warren, really possible? There has to be enough "democracy in the system" to get to the end point, and the US in particular has both issues of #federalism and a federal judiciary that despises the administrative state. Also changes such as relate to monopoly, monopsony, and competition, may in some cases lack what I think is the core way that #reformism can be built upon- stickiness.
I mean essentially that universal benefit programs, well funded, are the most difficult to reverse from the free-market right. They have a very large supportive population that melds the poor, working class, and aspects of the petty bourgeoisie and professionals together in common interests.
Targeting, as is done in neoliberalism, creates inter-class conflict among those not in the elite, and can be stoked additionally by #race, #citizenship, and other factors. Neoliberalism by design when it does #welfare makes programs extremely brittle and easy to defund.
So even though the Tories have had two decade and a half long reigns in power since 1979, and Tony Blair was thoroughly a center-right New Labour PM, the #NHS has stubbornly stuck around even in its crisis state. It has resiliency.
But having enough #democracy in the system is difficult. We can look at Castillo in #Peru and #Boric in Chile, who both rode into power promising a fundamentally new, inclusive, and anti-neoliberal constitution. Actually getting through entrenched power structures, a right-wing #media apparatus, and the eternal riddle of many aspects of a #constitution being popular but at a referendum it adds up to less.
The phrase "#Chile will be the tomb of #neoliberalism imagines an end to neoliberalism- #AMLO talks about this a lot whatever you might think of his time in power. But how do you get over the hump? How do you dispatch it, and make sure it doesn't return? How do you hold sustained power so the capitalists can't just reverse all that can be done? How can genuine democracy and social justice come to fruition?
I don't have a lot of answers, but I appreciate how much was sparked just in the introduction of Chokepoint Capitalism
#chokepoint #capitalism #socialjustice #Revolution #trotsky #luxemburg #Kautsky #administrative #warren #federalism #reformism #race #citizenship #Welfare #NHS #democracy #Peru #boric #media #constitution #Chile #neoliberalism #amlo #wikipedia #socialism #leftwing #progressive
RT @PhrmMar: #EMPLEO
En PharmaMar estamos buscando a un/a Customer Services & Business Excellence Administrative para incorporarse en Colmenar Viejo, #Madrid.
Todos los detalles aquí: https://pharmamar.epreselec.com/Ofertas/Ofertas.aspx?Id_Oferta=2735661
#CustomerService #Administrative #PharmaMar #empleomadrid
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rosadiezglez/status/1634175825929961475
#empleo #Madrid #CustomerService #administrative #PharmaMar #empleomadrid
RT @altaide@twitter.activitypub.actor
#LinkedOut Aidez Stéphanie Sarreau à retrouver un emploi 🙏
"J'aimerais travailler dans dans l'#assistanat et l'#administratif comme #assistante #administrative ou comme #secrétaire."
#linkedout #assistanat #administratif #assistante #administrative #secretaire
RT @HealioGastro
#Administrative #medicine is a good fit for those who:
1️⃣ Have insight on doctor-patient relationship
2️⃣ Ability to think about operations
3️⃣ Imprint medical expertise on #business
4️⃣ Strong #leadership skills
5️⃣ Facilitators of #empowerment, #motivation #ScrubsNHeels23
#administrative #medicine #business #leadership #empowerment #motivation #scrubsnheels23
Having an #administrative #assistant is simply #life #changing
#changing #Life #assistant #administrative
Wyoming lawmakers pass bill to prevent forced disclosure of private keys - The only exception to the law will be where the public key is una... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/wyoming-lawmakers-pass-bill-to-prevent-forced-disclosure-of-private-keys #limitedliabilitycompany #privatekeylegislation #wyominglegislature #digitalidentity #administrative #digitalassets #caitlinlong #publickey #criminal #civil
#civil #criminal #publickey #caitlinlong #digitalassets #administrative #digitalidentity #wyominglegislature #privatekeylegislation #limitedliabilitycompany
Would it make sense for #Archives staff, Nat'l Sec staff, & the US #Senate to work together to derive #legislative,& #administrative & other steps to improve the system of #classified record keeping & general #presidential transition record transfer? Dry subject, but fix the problems going forward. Don't just special #counsel or #Comey it after the fact. #msnbc
#msnbc #comey #counsel #presidential #classified #administrative #legislative #senate #archives
KEEP IN MIND THAT previously launch #GPS_Satellites | EG: #SPACEX a HUGH invasion of personal privacy and safety @ RISK!
Cali below is doing exactly the same thing. INVADING YOUR RIGHTS TO PRIVACY.
Researchers Could Track the #GPS_Location of All of California’s New Digital License Plates
After gaining #access to a powerful #administrative account, the researchers could perform all sorts of tasks inside Reviver, the sole company..
#administrative #access #GPS_location #spacex #GPS_Satellites
RT @QastalNewsEn@twitter.com
Media coverage: “Israeli occupation authorities transfer #Jerusalemite prisoner Amr Hamami for #administrative detention for four months after his arrest several days ago, following decision issued by the Minister of War in the occupation.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QastalNewsEn/status/1610721329547808773