@apetersen @codacode @cydharrell started #AdministrativeBurdens a while ago and still slowly moving through it 😅
A Civic Technologist's Practice Guide is in the queue - my list of "to-read's" is neverending, but ACTPG is at the top for next up
Credibility is a key component of #advocacy. Today the Good Trouble Coalition had a pulmonologist
@gbosslet, nephrologist @Ajsinha, bioethicist, & public affairs professor (me) giving public comments at the Health and Hospital Corporation's annual meeting. We spoke on the impacts on patients, #AdministrativeBurdens, & #accountability (a hallmark of #democracy) of the board's continued involvement w/ #HHCvTalevski #HoosierMast
#advocacy #administrativeburdens #accountability #democracy #hhcvtalevski #hoosiermast
In 2022, #CMADocs strove to reduce physicians' #administrativeburdens through one-on-one assistance and advocacy, legislation and regulation. See our full #CMAYearinReview at www.cmadocs.org/year-in-review.
#cmadocs #administrativeburdens #cmayearinreview
@donmoyn @pamela_herd Thus the rules of Medicaid for disabled adults specifically make it easier for people who have assets to get themselves certified as poor enough to qualify, while the genuinely poor will have a much harder time getting the necessary paperwork done. #AdministrativeBurdens 2/2