Wir sollten nicht Technologien verbieten, sondern Einsatzkontexte für diese Technologien.
— David Sommer in "Regulierung künstlicher Intelligenz: Schweiz und International" am #winterkongress23 der @digiges
#winterkongress #machinelearning #regulation #adms #winterkongress23
Regulierung künstlicher Intelligenz https://www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch/2023/02/14/regulierung-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-digitale-gesellschaft-goes-europarat/ #CommitteeonAritificialIntelligence #AutomatedDecision-Making #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Datenschutz #Europarat #ADMS #CAI
#committeeonaritificialintelligence #AutomatedDecision #kunstlicheintelligenz #datenschutz #europarat #adms #cai
#introduction #digitalplatforms #platformeconomies #data #value #sociotechnical #finance #media #sts #ant #ADMS #PERN
Hello! We are a network of social and information scientists focused on understanding the socio-technical basis of platform economies. We convene regular work-in-progress sessions and public Salons with academic and industry guests. PERN was established at The New School in 2018 and is affiliated with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society.
#introduction #digitalplatforms #platformeconomies #data #value #sociotechnical #finance #media #sts #ant #adms #pern
Big Friday today! Just kicked off now with a virtual presentation to #anzca2022 on our Australian election monitoring research.
Soon we will be joined by the winners of our recently held #adms dark ads hackathon, and head over to see the crew at ABC storylab.
The team will also present their work to the public with @hackshackers at 5:30pm at ABC Southbank, come along if you are around!
Then at 9pm I'm going to be zooming with Wouter van Atteveldt's team at the Free University of Amsterdam.
So I guess we're doing introductions to help with #twittermigration?
I'm a Professor of #digitalmedia at #QUT in #Australia and a member of #aoir - the association for #internetstudies. I study #platforms and their #culturesofuse.
I'm Associate Director of the national ARC Centre of Excellence for #automateddecisionmaking and Society, or #adms. I wrote a book about the social and cultural history of Twitter with @nancybaym - look how that turned out...
#twittermigration #Digitalmedia #QUT #australia #AoIR #internetstudies #platforms #culturesofuse #automateddecisionmaking #adms
RT @algorithmwatch@twitter.com
1/5 🔬 How did automated decision-making (#ADM) systems impact #pandemic responses so far❓
📕 Find out in our NEW REPORT! It summarizes the main findings and trends documented over 2021 through our #TracingTheTracers project.
👉🏼 https://algorithmwatch.org/en/tracing-the-tracers/2021-report/ #COVID19 #ADMS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/algorithmwatch/status/1468837598516887559
#adm #TracingTheTracers #COVID19 #adms #pandemic
RT @algorithmwatch@twitter.com
📢 New publication on automated decision-making systems in the #PublicSector by @algorithmwatch@twitter.com & @AlgorithmWat_CH@twitter.com
We developed a concrete and practicable impact assessment tool to be implemented for the evaluation of specific #ADMS by public authorities
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/algorithmwatch/status/1402927900395978753