This week, a Canadian court declares “flipping the bird” is a “God given right”, and the guys get to know the wonderful world of Sid and Marty Krofft.
#Drakulas #SXSW #EvilDeadRise #BruceCampbell #celebs #StarWars #adnansyed #Canada #SCTV #SNL #MartinShort #EugeneLevy #Quebec #flippingthebird #truecrime #middlefinger #freespeech #politics #poltergeist2 #SidandMartykrofft #puppets #HRPufnstuf #BelaLugosi #theBeatles #McDonalds #sixflags #lidsville #CharlesNelsonReilly #psychedelia #thebugaloos
#drakulas #sxsw #evildeadrise #brucecampbell #celebs #starwars #adnansyed #canada #sctv #snl #martinshort #eugenelevy #quebec #flippingthebird #truecrime #middlefinger #freespeech #politics #poltergeist2 #sidandmartykrofft #puppets #hrpufnstuf #belalugosi #thebeatles #mcdonalds #sixflags #lidsville #charlesnelsonreilly #psychedelia #thebugaloos
Weds 3/29 - SBF and China, SCOTUS gifts, Adnan conviction and NJ bar mental health progress
In today’s episode we have #SBF of #FTX in trouble for bribing Chinese officials, we want to see what #SCOTUS got for Christmas, #AdnanSyed’s conviction reinstated and positive steps at the bar in the Garden State.
#SBF #ftx #scotus #adnansyed #lawfedi #law #attorney
A Maryland appellate court panel reinstated the murder conviction of “Serial” podcast subject Adnan Syed, deciding a lower court had violated the right of the victim’s family to attend a critical hearing in the case
Original Thread:
Nick Anderson & Omari Daniels: Georgetown hires Adnan Syed after court tossed his murder conviction: Prosecutors have acknowledged Syed, subject of the true-crime ‘Serial’ podcast, was wrongly convicted
"One of Syed’s roles is to provide research and other support for a hands-on undergraduate class called “Making an Exoneree,” in which students seek to help free innocent people from prison…" #adnansyed #georgetownuniversity #wrongfullyconvicted
#adnansyed #georgetownuniversity #wrongfullyconvicted
With #AdnanSyed going back to Georgetown, as with every instance of criminal justice corruption and failure, the question is, who killed Hae Min Lee?!? Real criminals go free when innocent people are prosecuted.
Adnan Syed hired by Georgetown’s prison reform initiative
#AdnanSyed #Georgetown #PrisonReform
just the news you need, in seconds
#adnansyed #georgetown #prisonreform