12. Have you ever designed a #dungeon? Yes - but my love for ❤️dungeons❤️ started pretty late compared to my time in the hobby. To some extent, this might be due to the fact, that I was socialized into #ttrpgs playing #Midgard (Germany’s earliest #ttrpg) - in which dungeons did not feature prominently - and #Adnd2, which was geared towards playing „plot“-driven campaigns (#Dragonlance, #Ravenloft), at least from our perspective back then.
#dungeon #ttrpgs #midgard #ttrpg #adnd2 #Dragonlance #Ravenloft
@ShenSiril @Bjarne wir haben’s gerade auch erst wieder rebootet. Waren alle bisschen erschrocken, dass wir uns auf einmal an zig obskure Regeln erinnern konnten 😅. Offenbar ganz tief abgespeichert. Auch interessante Einsicht beim Wiederentdecken des Spiels: wir haben damals offenbar krass viele #Adnd2 komplett ignoriert. Anyway: tolles Spiel
@AetherEgo @RPP_Cast in #5e gibt es keine Level Drains (ich weiß nicht, ab welcher Ed. auf Lvl Drain verzichtet wurde? #Adnd2 hatte die noch). Insgesamt verfolgt #5e ja schon einen heroic und high Fantasy default. Habe #5e lange gespielt, aber die superkompetenten und robusten SC, die das Spiel vorsieht (und es auch erfolgreich machen) holen mich nicht so ab. Exploration und Survival, wichtige Säulen des Adventure Gaming, lassen sich mit der marvelesken #5e Personage m.E. nicht so gut abbilden.
#PnpdeSwap Mag jemand englischsprachigen #Adnd, #Adnd2, #osr oder #OldSchoolDungeondAndDragons Krams gegen die deutsche Version von #Symbaroum tauschen?
Kann gern maximal zerknittert und zerlesen sein. Finde, #Symbaroum ist ein grundsolides Spiel, aber ich werd’s vmtl nicht an den Tisch bekommen, weil die „Dark Fantasy-ich-stolper-im-dunklen-Wald-herum-oh-Nein“-Tropes für mich schon gut durch #TrophyDark und #TrophyGold bedient werden.
#pnpdeswap #adnd #adnd2 #osr #oldschooldungeondanddragons #symbaroum #TrophyDark #trophygold
Looking through my old copy of Chronomancer for #adnd2 and was wonder if anyone has used time travel, regardless of genre? I just finished watching #Fringe for probably the 3rd time Al the way through and it just twists your mind trying to sort out the timeline changes and still have a consistent world.
Probably #Adnd2 in the 90s. The German Translation of the Players Handbook was a revelation for us Kids. Not long, and we started to pile english language splatbooks, setting books, including stuff from the first edition game. I‘m convinced to this day, that deciphering #Adnd2 books as a 15 years old, helped me to vastly improve my mediocre english school grades 1/2
@GelatinousRube finish my little #osr fanzine, concluding my #Adnd2 #Ravenloft game, then: start some kind of Hop on/Hop Off #osr Megadungeon or Westmarshes campaign, play more #MothershipRPG, try out #TheBlackSwordHack and #KultDL…. Continue my passionate, but ultimately futile quest to find/identify „the best“ #dnd retroclone/Hack/Dragon Game Heartbreaker
#osr #adnd2 #Ravenloft #mothershiprpg #TheBlackSwordHack #kultdl #dnd
2. My favorite #ttrpg game worlds are: (1) the one laid out in the #TrophyLoom supplement for the #TrophyGoldRPG / Dark RPG: modular, rich in detail, oozes (folk) horrorish adventure hooks, sense of wonder, and believable places. I also (2) love Athas, the game world of the #DarkSun setting (#Adnd2): Most Metal ever + eerily up-to-date, with its focus on overexploitation of Natural resources, and Social inequality + weird af: body builders in Mad Max attire, riding on giant beetles 1/2
#ttrpg #trophyloom #TrophyGoldRPG #darksun #adnd2
…looking back, i feel sorry for the owner. Sell one d20 to some Kids who opened Like every box, asking two many questions 😅 back in the 90s i got in Touch with so many games only through this store: #Kult, #DarkConspiracy, the plethora of the mostly redundant (let‘s be honest) #Adnd2 splatbooks, #WorldOfDarkness, you Name it. Store is still there, but it is mostly about Boardgames these days (impressive choice of those). 2/2
#KULT #darkconspiracy #adnd2 #worldofdarkness
Games I've run or played this year:
#Adnd2 (#Ravenloft, #DarkSun)
#5e (#CoS)
#OSE #adnd2 #Ravenloft #darksun #AlienRPG #mothershiprpg #5e #cos #CthulhuDark #MausRitter #TrophyGoldRPG #FiveTorchesDeep #BrindlewoodBay #dcc #actionmovieworld
5. At the moment, #CallOfCthulhu is the #TTRPG I play the most—it accounts for over a quarter of my hours at the table, and I currently play in two weekly campaigns, as well as frequent one-shots.
Since I began roleplaying, though, it'd be #DnD, though which edition I've played most is an open question: #BECMI, #ADnD1, #ADnD2, or #DnD3e. (I've not played nearly as much 0e, 4e, or 5e, though.) #gtkm
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg #DnD #BECMI #adnd1 #adnd2 #DnD3E #gtkm
…of course, there is an „Elfland“ and a of course there is a „Castle Ghormenghast“ because some Goth Kid was into em…Gormengast stories. As far as i remember the homebrew campaign featured some LOTR-ish elements mixed-up with motifs from children‘s books (Michael Ende’s Momo, Astrid Lindgren‘s Ronja Robbersdaughter) and daydreaming about the Illustrations in the #Adnd2 Players handbook and DMG 🙈
An old friend who left the hobby many-many years ago, found the map of our #Adnd2 campaign from the early/mid 90s when clearing out the attic. We must have been 16-17 years old when we drew it. Looking at the map evokes fond memories of Marathon #dnd sessions in some basement in rural NW germany. It also makes me smile, how uninspiring the place names were (sorry, dear 17 years old Self) 😅 #ttrpg #osr #nostalgia
#adnd2 #dnd #ttrpg #osr #nostalgia
A good old friend just gifted me a ton of #Ravenloft #Adnd2 stuff from the 90s. I don‘t Know what to say…i‘m just running a Ravenloft campaign, using PDFs and Print on the demand-stuff, but holding these original books in my hands…Wow. The aforementioned friend left the hobby many years ago, but we share fond memories of exploring the Domains of Dread as Kids (when we were genuinely spooked out by Stradh‘s muppet show 😅)
Our little „Experiment“ is still on: a re-run of #CurseOfStrahd, but heavily modified and with #Adnd2 instead of #5e. So far, it has been fun:
From my Point of view, #Adnd suits the #Ravenloft setting better than #5e. PCs are more „fragile“ in #Adnd, while 5e felt more like „super Heroes going renfair-mode“ at times.
I play with a consistent group, but the game is pretty much hop on/hop off. It at least two Players show up: game is on and I pull #Stradh from the Box.
#curseofstrahd #adnd2 #5e #adnd #Ravenloft #stradh
So. Kekse und Tee stehen bereit. Jetzt werde ich wieder ein kurze Runde #Ravenloft leiten (#Adnd2). Das kleine „Experiment“ geht weiter: ein mix aus #CurseOfStradh und 2nd ed Setting im hop on/hop off Modus bespielen.
#Ravenloft #adnd2 #curseofstradh