Instead of studying like I was supposed to, I spent hours retouching my of to the point I'm finally comfortable in publishing it.

This is the ruling that made a crime in .

@SapphicLawyer @MasonBee @massimofichera

#linearoptimization #translation #ado26 #queerphobia #brazilianlaw

Last updated 2 years ago

Context: the ruling extended the existing law of racial crimes (Law 7.716 of 1989) to include transphobia and homophobia as well because Congress had never voted on any law about this issue and our constitution requires the criminalization of racism (article 5 incise XLII) which, according to the ADO26 ruling, must include transphobia and homophobia as well because racism isn't only about race in the traditional sense of the word.

Law 7.716: (in Portuguese)


Last updated 2 years ago

In light the recent events in Colorado, I think it would be interesting to share the fact that considers and as forms of , which is punishable by jail time.

In the attached image, there's a segment of the original text of the ruling by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF) on June 13, 2019 and my translation of that segment. (alt text of the image is only the translation)

Note: I'm neither a lawyer nor a professional legal translator.

#brazilianlaw #transphobia #homophobia #racism #ado26

Last updated 2 years ago