「Adobe Photoshop」で生成AIが拡張した余白を補完する「生成拡張」が利用可能に/プロンプトは日本語にも対応
#forest_watch_impress #アドビ #Adobe_Photoshop #生成AI #ジェネレーティブAI #Adobe_Firefly #genai #画像生成 #画像_映像_音楽 #Windows #Mac
#forest_watch_impress #アドビ #adobe_photoshop #生成ai #ジェネレーティブai #adobe_firefly #genai #画像生成 #画像_映像_音楽 #windows #mac
Watching Peripheral:
Me: can we talk about how complicated cloaking tech would be to solve?
SO: how?
Me: the outside of the car is a 2-d space emulating 3-d space and refactoring to both the car and your movement in real time.
SO: oooh how did you know that?
Me: #adobe_photoshop perspective grid trauma