… habe bisher nur #Audacity, #AdobeAudition und #Reaper genutzt. 'Cakewalk by Bandlab' ist nicht gerade unterkomplex, aber ein Wochenede reicht zur Einarbeitung - und für das ganze Geraffel, bis auch wirklich alle Eingangssignale (Amp, Audio Interface, MIDI-Controller, …) dort ankommen, wo sie sollen.
#reaper #adobeaudition #audacity
@cazabon @nikow i discovered ffprobe can get the cues aka markers aka "chapters!" from the #cooledit #adobeaudition 16bit stereo riff pcm wav files. Size-wise, the files will be multi-hour long recordings that could become many gigabytes in size, but could be split before further processing if need be. thanks!
Podcasters! Is there a simple way to synchronise 3 separate WAV-files? We are three people recording separately via Audio Hijack and I use Audition to edit them. I found a ffmpeg-script to synchronize them into one file, but I still want them separate to deal with crosstalk etc. I could do it in Premiere, but there must be something better, no? An app? Script? Anyone? #podcasting #adobeAudition
A better, quicker way to split and rename files - handy for those large #elearning scripts!
I hope you find it useful, if so please let me know!
#TimeSaver #tutorial #voiceover #adobeaudition #tips #howto #hintsandtips #voiceactor #voiceover #audioediting
#elearning #timesaver #tutorial #voiceover #adobeaudition #tips #howto #hintsandtips #voiceactor #audioediting
I like the aesthetic of the gpds
But I don't think I'd pay the price just to run #adobeaudition portably...
I'd go with the more powerful\futureproof one
#Pocket ability be damned
Ghettoblasters once also were a thing
Steam Deck huh.
You got one ?
(I heard one can draw/illustrate on it too :blobcatthinkowo: .
Wonder how well #AdobeAudition cc 'd run on it)
@shawnhooper @wisearts #Winamp was great on #Windows, i will give it that.
I noticed you both talking about #SoundForge as well.
What about #CoolEditPro? ;)
Before #Adobe bought them and it became #AdobeAudition.
I may be a #Linux user for decades now, but i remember.
#windows #soundforge #cooleditpro #adobe #adobeaudition #linux #winamp
Also getting to grips with #Audacity of late. Quite good fun editing sound and Audacity is a capable beast.
But I do prefer #AdobeAudition, but it gets pricey if you're only paying a tenner/month for Photoshop.
Adobe drops slew of critical patches - Adobe released another set of patches for its products on Tuesday, a week after dropping its first... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/06/18/adobe-drops-slew-of-critical-patches/ #arbitrarycodeexecution #adobecampaignclassic #adobeaftereffects #adobeillustrator #adobeaudition #premiererush #criticalcve #premierepro #adobe
#adobe #premierepro #criticalcve #premiererush #adobeaudition #adobeillustrator #adobeaftereffects #adobecampaignclassic #arbitrarycodeexecution