Tabagisme passif : le plomb de la fumée contaminerait substantiellement enfants et ados #santé #tabagisme #tabagisme_passif #santé_publique #enfant #adolescent #fumée #plomb #toxicité #affaire_de_newburgh #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#sante #tabagisme #tabagisme_passif #sante_publique #enfant #adolescent #fumee #plomb #toxicite #affaire_de_newburgh #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
Developmental #Psychology: Examining the Physical and Cognitive of #Adolescent Puberty
Tonight's #soundtrack includes #funk #rock #dance and a touch of #trance circa 1993.
The #album is Run For Cover by #Featurecast. I know nothing about these peeps, and even fewer clues on how this album ended in my #music #collection.
But I'm glad it did. Booty-bopping, subtle changes to genre, and performed and produced with #adolescent brashness which I admire in the snobbery of the music world.
Good for drives, for celebration, and to dance when no-one is looking.
#soundtrack #funk #rock #dance #trance #album #featurecast #music #collection #adolescent
'Sans masque, ni gants, ni lunettes' : au Pérou, des ados pulvérisent nos pesticides interdits - #agriculture #environnement #pollution #pesticides #santé #adolescent #jeunesse #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #jeunesse #adolescent #sante #pesticides #pollution #environnement #agriculture
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts.
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #YoungAdults #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #youngadults #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
90's (2019)
Un récit initiatique touchant (…) l’innocence teintée d’inconscience, façon Larry Clark (le côté putassier en moins).
#90s #JonahHill #Adolescent #Adolescence #Ado #Skate #Skateboard #Film #Cinema #PortraitLosAngeles
#90s #jonahhill #adolescent #adolescence #ado #skate #skateboard #film #cinema #portraitlosangeles
#InTheMedia 📻 Missed the interview with Amber van der Wal on @nporadio1 yesterday about the @UvA_AWeSome project? Listen back to it now (in Dutch)! 🎧 #SocialMedia #WellBeing #Adolescent 👉
#inthemedia #Socialmedia #wellbeing #adolescent
#suisse #informatique #internet #sécurité #éducation #numérique #valais #élève #enfant #adolescent
Le lancement d’une stratégie cantonale pour une éducation à un usage numérique responsable répond à un problème de santé publique signalé par de nombreux·ses professionnel·le·s dans les milieux scolaires et extra-scolaires.
#suisse #informatique #internet #securite #education #numerique #valais #eleve #enfant #adolescent
#SurgeonGeneral Warns That #SocialMedia May Harm #Children & #Adolescents
The report by Dr. #VivekMurthy cited a “profound risk of harm” to #adolescent #MentalHealth and urged #families to set #limits and governments to set tougher #standards for use.
#surgeongeneral #socialmedia #children #adolescents #vivekmurthy #adolescent #mentalhealth #families #limits #standards
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts.
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #YoungAdults #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #youngadults #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #SexualDevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
RT @APPDconnect
Are you a resident applying to Pediatric Adolescent Medicine Fellowship this year? Come virtually explore 22 different programs on May 9th! Sign up at @APPDconnect @_pedsubs #pediatrics #adolescent
When I was a teen in the 80s everybody knew that the gap between biological adulthood and social adulthood was problematic. Awkward. Troublesome. It was inviting bad results.
Since then we've made that time much longer and even more horrific.
#adolescent #adolescence #teens
When I was a teen in the 80s everybody knew that the gap between biological adulthood and social adulthood was problematic. Awkward. Troublesome. It was inviting bad results.
Since then we've made that time much longer and even more horrific.
#adolescent #adolescence #teens
#prostitution #prostitutionmineurs #inceste #protectionenfance #enfance #reseau #reseauprostitution #reseaupedocriminalité #adolescent #reseauadolescent #pedocriminalité
Aujourd'hui, le dernier volume de Fleurs des nuits, intitulé Plus que la vie est réédité. Loin des fantasmes sur ce que sont les réseaux de prostitution des mineurs, Fleurs des nuits raconte de l'intérieur la descente aux enfers de Cassandre, happée, manipulée, victime de violence, et la vie atypique de ces adolescentes.
En complément, vous trouverez dans cette entrevue avec
les pistes de réflexions sur la prise en charge et l'accompagnement de victimes d'exploitation sexuelle :
#prostitution #prostitutionmineurs #inceste #protectionenfance #enfance #reseau #reseauprostitution #reseaupedocriminalite #adolescent #reseauadolescent #pedocriminalite
#Archaeologists in Peru find #adolescent #mummy wrapped in bundle
#archaeologists #adolescent #mummy
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #SexualDevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
This video shows a quick primer on how to brainwash yourself into never having inappropriate sexual thoughts
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #sexualdevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization
#youth #minors #teens #teenagers #teenagegirls #women #girls #adolescent #SexualDevelopment #lies #dirtythoughts #sexualization