Because this cat is also an HSP, he gets me in ways my family does not, and he's very protective of me. He'd make a great guard cat if he didn't run away and hide every time there's a noise or someone moves. #CatsOfMastodon #HighlySensitivePerson #AdoptASenior
#catsofmastodon #HighlySensitivePerson #adoptasenior
I love the residual purring on this guy. Pet him for a bit to get the engine started, then it keeps going on its own for a nice long while after you stop. #seniorcat #seniorkitty #adoptasenior
#seniorcat #seniorkitty #adoptasenior
#CatsOfMastodon #cats #AdoptaSenior
Everyone deserves to see Kirk-o and Patricia.
We adopted these adorable things at 16 years old. They are a lot of work, but also a lot to love.
#catsofmastodon #cats #adoptasenior