Good afternoon fellow adoptees!! Adoptees Unite will be hosting a networking event Sunday, September 3rd from 1600 hrs | 4pm EDT - 1700 hrs | 5pm EDT. Event will be on Zoom. We hope you'll consider joining us. Register below -- the event is free.
#adopteesofmastodon #event #adopteevoices #adoptees
Adoptees Unite is now offering FREE coaching sessions for adoptees!! Please see our Instagram [linked in our bio here] for more information or to sign up.
#adoptees #adopteevoices #coachingsession #freeservice #adopteesonly #adopteesofmastodon
#adopteesofmastodon #adopteesonly #freeservice #coachingsession #adopteevoices #adoptees
We're delighted to announce that Adoptees Unite will be joining Korean-German adoptee, SunMee in creating a FREE space to discuss adoptee mental health & healing. Please learn more in the cards below. We're happy to answer any questions you may have, & hope to see you there.
Sign up via the link below:
#adoptees #adopteevoices #adopteementalhealth #adopteesofmastodon
#adopteesofmastodon #adopteementalhealth #adopteevoices #adoptees
It’s prolly a good day for some hashtags, huh!
#GenerationJones #SouthernCalifornia #SoCal #DesertLife #EVs #ElectricVehicles #ChronicIllness #AutoImmuneIllness #PsoriaticSpondylitis #Rinvoq #Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #Abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #Adoption #AdopteesOfMastodon #AdopteeVoices #AdopteeRightsAreHumanRights #FamilyPreservation #BLM #Resist #ERA #CancelStudentDebt #FreeEducationForAll #ReadBannedBooks #PunchANazi
#PunchANazi #ReadBannedBooks #freeeducationforall #CancelStudentDebt #era #resist #BLM #familypreservation #adopteerightsarehumanrights #adopteevoices #adopteesofmastodon #adoption #abortionishealthcare #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #abortion #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #rinvoq #psoriaticspondylitis #autoimmuneillness #chronicillness #ElectricVehicles #evs #desertlife #socal #southerncalifornia #generationjones
"In order to be adopted you first have to lose your entire family," Deanna Doss Shrodes says.
#adoption #adoptees #AdopteesOfMastodon #NewYorker
#adoption #adoptees #adopteesofmastodon #newyorker
One of the most frequent questions I get, when I talk about #AdoptionCriticism is, "But what is the alternative to adoption?" It's a weird one, because it's a bit like asking, "But what is the alternative to child trafficking?" The alternative is to not traffick children.
#adoptioncriticism #adoption #adopteevoices #adopteesofmastodon
Just added to my reading list after seeing this review on IG
#books #bookstodon #TransracialAdoption #adoptees
#books #bookstodon #transracialadoption #adoptees #adopteesofmastodon
This is the only poem I remember from my teenage journals. I burned them all when I was in college. It's short and to the point.
i lie awake in bed at night
and fear my capabilities
moonlight creeps through the window blinds
that flutter in the breeze
i need someone to cure my fright
to hold my knocking knees
to fill the hollow in my heart
that no one ever sees
#poem #poetry #AmWriting #writing #adoption #adoptee #adoptees #AdopteeVoices #AdopteesOfMastodon
#poem #poetry #amwriting #writing #adoption #adoptee #adoptees #adopteevoices #adopteesofmastodon
Texting both my adoptive sister and biological sister tonight, and I'm so grateful. #AdopteesOfMastodon #AdoptionReunion #AdoptionIsTrauma #Lucky #LuckOTheIrish 🍀
#adopteesofmastodon #adoptionreunion #adoptionistrauma #lucky #luckotheirish
evidence of my distriction
i'm wearing one earring
can't remember if i took
my pills
papers pile up
some bills something something
i'm navel gazing again
having been put out
still looking for a nonexistent
way back in
words are too hard
for the softer world
the world is too sharp
for the tender heart
#poem #poetry #AmWriting #writing #adoption #adoptee #adoptees #AdopteeVoices #AdopteesOfMastodon
#poem #poetry #amwriting #writing #adoption #adoptee #adoptees #adopteevoices #adopteesofmastodon
Going to a new doctor today, and for the first time ever, I'll be able to answer questions about my family medical history. I turn 41 next month. #AdoptionIsTrauma #AdoptionCritique #AdopteeVoices #AdopteesOfMastodon #Adoptee
#adoptionistrauma #adoptioncritique #adopteevoices #adopteesofmastodon #adoptee
1 year ago today, I found out who my dad is. Nearly 40 years after I was born, we finally got to meet each other. Thank goodness for DNA testing. I'm so blessed. #AdopteesOfMastodon #Adoptee #AdopteeVoices #AdoptionIsTrauma #AdoptionCritique
#adopteesofmastodon #adoptee #adopteevoices #adoptionistrauma #adoptioncritique
@ainebet As someone who was transnationally adopted from Korea, at 5 months old or so, I get asked if I speak Korean or remember anything from my time in Korea. #AdopteeVoices #AdopteesOfMastodon
#adopteevoices #adopteesofmastodon
Ok so since nobody asked anything yet, let me start - #AdopteesOfMastodon - what is a question people ask you often, that you wish you didn't have to answer? Like, what's something that you wish everyone already knew by now, because it's so obvious to us #Adoptees but non-adopted people don't seem to get it? #AdopteeVoices #AdoptionCritique
#adopteesofmastodon #adoptees #adopteevoices #adoptioncritique