If there is anyone out there still using the old #AdoptOpenJDK RPM/DEB (yum/apt) package repositories, please switch over to the #Adoptium #Temurin ones, as the AdoptOpenJDK ones are horribly out of date and will have multiple security issues. Your configuration files should have `packages.adoptium.net` in them.
Go here to find out the correct settings to stay up to date and secure: https://adoptium.net/installation/linux/ #Ubuntu #Debian #Fedora #RedHat
#adoptopenjdk #Adoptium #Temurin #ubuntu #debian #fedora #redhat
We have flyers! Come to Ludwigsburg, Germany on October, 16th 2023. @EclipseFdn @adoptium @jakartaee
CfP open until mid July.
#Java #jakartaee #Adoptium #AdoptOpenJDK #community #javabubble
#java #jakartaee #adoptium #adoptopenjdk #community #javabubble
Oh, Java numbers are not dropping that much, only the Oracle JDK - but that is great!