Today's pick: Adoration of the shepherds (between 1660 and 1679) - Jan Havicksz. Steen. #art #Steen #AdorationOfTheShepherds
#adorationoftheshepherds #steen #art
Today's pick: The Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1500) - Giorgione. #art #Giorgione #AdorationOfTheShepherds
#adorationoftheshepherds #giorgione #art
Today's pick: The Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1609) - Caravaggio. #art #Caravaggio #AdorationOfTheShepherds
#adorationoftheshepherds #caravaggio #art
Today's pick: The Adoration of the Shepherds (1476-1478) - Hugo van der Goes. #art #VanDerGoes #Altarpiece #AdorationOfTheShepherds
#adorationoftheshepherds #altarpiece #vandergoes #art
Today's pick: Announcement to the Shepherds (1408-09) - Van Limburg brothers. #art #VanLimburgBrothers #AdorationOfTheShepherds #LesBellesHeuresDuDucDeBerry
#lesbellesheuresduducdeberry #adorationoftheshepherds #vanlimburgbrothers #art
Today's pick: Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1451-53) - Andrea Mantegna. #art #Mantegna #AdorationOfTheShepherds
#adorationoftheshepherds #mantegna #art