Hello la mastosphère de #Bretagne !
Je viens de mettre à jour la partie de mon blog qui concerne mon activité locale, pour la rentrée... #forum des #assos bientôt, toussa.
Si vous connaissez du monde du côté de #Broceliande (ou non loin par là, #Rennes par exemple...), partagez ? #boostouest #solidarité etc.
#myjob #theatre #clown #chant #poprock #danse #folk #politique #spirituel #enfants #ados #adultes #cours #ateliers #etc
#bretagne #forum #assos #broceliande #rennes #boostouest #solidarite #myjob #theatre #clown #chant #poprock #danse #folk #Politique #spirituel #enfants #ados #adultes #cours #ateliers #etc
#Tribune : Etre #salarié·e du #tourisme ou #animateurice dans une #colonie de #vacances | Toustes en #Colo
> Un séjour centré sur le #bien_être de chacun·e. Un taux d'encadrement exceptionnel d'1 #anim pour 5 #ados. La sécurité, notre priorité.
#ados #anim #bien_etre #colo #vacances #colonie #animateurice #tourisme #salarie·e #tribune
Donc jeudi j'emmène 4 #ados au #PicDuMidi dont 1 passionné par l'#astrophysique qui rêve de faire son #postdoc à l'#ens et qui serait capable de réussir... #tonton au max !
#ados #picdumidi #astrophysique #postdoc #ens #tonton
Blacks, learn your lineage if you serious about #ReparationsNow #ADOS #FBA #BlackMastodon - https://jtspratley.com/blog/genealogy-research-resources-for-black-americans-reparations
#BlackMastodon #fba #ados #reparationsnow
Pay Attention to these newly proposed bills #BlackMastodon #ReparationsNow #ADOS #FBA - https://jtspratley.com/blog/2-congress-bills-black-americans-must-follow
#fba #ados #reparationsnow #BlackMastodon
Now let's not spread hate anywhere, shall we? In fact, let's get laws to protect some people from criticism.
☣️ #racism #genocide #ACE2 #RFK #antiwhite #spike #ADOS #Africa
#racism #genocide #ace2 #rfk #antiwhite #spike #ados #africa
#Juneteenth is over, but it's still African-American Music Appreciation Month and Caribbean-American Heritage Month, #BlackMastodon #ADOS #FBA . Let's celebrate these just as we should #BlackHistoryMonth - everyday.
#BlackHistoryMonth #fba #ados #BlackMastodon #juneteenth
https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/17/8399 - Scientists build "social robots" to detect observable behavioral "deficits" to diagnose #autism in children. The research is based on #ADOS which is already widely known to be ineffective to detect women. Also, consensus is that autism is not visible, especially in girls, and is very diverse in observables.
Upsetting harmful #technosolutionism coming to confirm harming diagnostic approaches. Pavlov and Asperger still here.
#autism #ados #technosolutionism
"All of us who are a part of the Diaspora should see #Juneteenth as representative of Blackness from a global perspective, and not just a Texas or Southern one." Pls read/comment on my latest
Fool's Gold: Confessions From an Educated Fool
#ADOS #Diaspora #Liberation
#liberation #Diaspora #ados #juneteenth
All Native Black Americans, #ADOS, #FBA, etc. for Black empowerment should check out @CitingSlavery #BlackMastodon https://www.npr.org/2023/06/14/1181834798/slave-cases-precedent-us-legal-system
All Native Black Americans, #ADOS, #FBA, etc. for Black empowerment should check out @CitingSlavery #BlackMastodon https://www.npr.org/2023/06/14/1181834798/slave-cases-precedent-us-legal-system
Why Create Content Targeting Black Americans, #ADOS, #FBA, Freedman Communities, etc. #BlackMastodon https://jtspratley.com/blog/why-create-content-targeting-black-americans
Why Create Content Targeting Black Americans, #ADOS, #FBA, Freedman Communities, etc. #BlackMastodon https://jtspratley.com/blog/why-create-content-targeting-black-americans
Est-ce que je suis à côté de Florence Foresti dans le TGV ? Est-ce que je lui ai demandé un autographe (alors que tous les être censés autour ont demandé un selfie) ? Vous ne pouvez pas le savoir (je n'ai pas demandé de selfie). J'ai 14 ans, hiiiii ! #ados #florenceforesti #tgv
Slate.fr #evanouissements de groupes d'#ados au #Mexique: vers une épidémie de #psychosecollective | Slate.fr https://www.slate.fr/story/247736/mexique-evanouissements-collectifs-adolescents-panique-psychose
#psychosecollective #mexique #ados #evanouissements
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #ados #porno
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #ados #porno
@genxjamerican @saschasegan @celset2 @jacobrogers256 #Racism was very deliberately created by wealthy planters to prevent white indentured servants from uniting with Black ones. Later they introduced #chattelslavery only for Africans & #ados. #slavery #inequality It continues.
#racism #chattelslavery #ados #slavery #inequality