"I've read all the books in the #ASongOfIceAndFire series, but I'm not invested anymore. The long delay in publishing #TheWindsOfWinter and #ADreamOfSpring has taken away my interest in #GameOfThrones."
#asongoficeandfire #thewindsofwinter #adreamofspring #gameofthrones
GRRW was hobbled by the success of the TV series.
#ASoIaF theory.
He jcouldn't get Winds rocking and rolling watching the tumult that was #GoT seasons 1-8. His story twisted and misunderstood. Watching as fans loved storylines he had long written past even having a possibility of happening.
Let's not even mention #LadyStoneheart.
But the show crashed, his world thrived, and his confidence must have soared.
All this to say I'm holding out how for #ADreamOfSpring to make it on my bookshelf.
#asoiaf #got #ladystoneheart #adreamofspring