TODAY'S NEW YORK POST: School Official Let Her Be Beaten, #TikTok Allowed Her To Be Mocked And She Killed Herself
#WTF... New Jersey school chief stunningly victim-blames bullied teen #AdrianaKuch’s suicide on drug use and dad’s ‘affair’....
#newjersey #newyorkpost #usa #worldnews #news #adrianakuch #wtf #tiktok
The bullying did not stop at school. The messages started immediately after the attack at 11am on Feb 1st and continued into the next day around 3pm. On Feb 2nd at 10:46pm, she messaged her boyfriend upset about having to go to school the next day. Adriana Kuch was then found deceased at 5am on Feb 3rd. #adrianakuch #SuicideAwareness
#adrianakuch #SuicideAwareness