#NY Congressman in #NYC 13 is #AdrianoEspaillat
Apparently, he is anti- #PublicTransit (the car diet, #bike friendly plan) in #TheBronx along #FordhamRoad , which is called 207 Street in #Inwood #Manhattan (And thus #Espaillat is against #ClimateChange solutions … namely, reducing car dependency of the wealthy who transit through #EnvironmentalJustice communities.)
Monumental fail.
I’ll be on the phone tomorrow:
#urbanism #bikenyc #fuckcars #environmentaljustice #climatechange #espaillat #manhattan #inwood #fordhamroad #thebronx #bike #publictransit #adrianoespaillat #nyc #ny
I love #AdrianoEspaillat 😍🎉 when asked how he was voting he said, #IfYaDontKnowNowYaKnow and tons clapped and cheered and after the cheering died down, the one asking for the vote knew he meant #Jeffries of course 🎉😎🎈
#jeffries #ifyadontknownowyaknow #adrianoespaillat
I love #AdrianoEspaillat 😍🎉 when asked how he was voting he said, #IfYaDontKnowNowYaKnow and tons clapped and cheered and after the cheering died down, the one asking for the vote knew he meant #Jeffries of course 🎉😎🎈
#jeffries #ifyadontknownowyaknow #adrianoespaillat