Dank »I Want a #BetterCatastrophe« (2023) von
aufmerksam gemacht worden auf »Octavia’s Brood« (AKPress, 2015) Anthologie von
#adriennemareebrown und
#WalidahImarisha. Was für eine Schönheit!
Buch-Website: https://akpress.org/octavia-s-brood.html…
#bettercatastrophe #andrewboyd #adriennemareebrown #walidahimarisha #socialfiction #sciencefiction #visionaryfiction
🚨 #OnlineEvent Thurs Jun 1, 4pm PDT
w authors #NKJemisin, @nalohopkinson, #AdrienneMareeBrown, & moderated by poet #BrandonWint
"will explore the ways #WorldBuilding & #imagination apply broader social notions of #justice & the ways their writing brings attention to the realities of #Black life in the present & the possibilities into the future"
Registration is free, but donations go to the #AntiRacism Coalition #Vancouver
#onlineEvent #nkjemisin #adriennemareebrown #brandonwint #worldbuilding #imagination #justice #black #antiracism #vancouver #scifi #massyarts
“How a person fights is just as important as the fight”
Hope I got this right, words of #TaranaBurke at #RedEmmasBaltimore + #WaverlyBookFestival w/ #AdrienneMareeBrown
#taranaburke #redemmasbaltimore #waverlybookfestival #adriennemareebrown
Earnest post, asking if/how mastodon #MS peeps have noticed meditational practices helping #livingwithMS ? Anyone here spiritually practicing Buddhism or any other tradition? Or building their own spiritually unique practice & mythologies?
I'm new here & with MS. Several years of mysterious symptoms that escalated just 4 months ago. Rn only have GP support/access & on a long wait list for Neuro appt for diagnosis process. It's a mind-blowing soul-crushing state of limbo as a lone migrant w no family support.
I first noticed that I would lose balance during Tai chi, veer sideways when taking nature walks in 2019. Now I've stopped doing Tai Chi at the parks & only do restorative yoga in my room. I used to join Sufi chanting/head-banging & whirling but I'm home bound & get dizzy when I try it at home lols
Breathing is my only doorway atm. I'm doing Prayanam & incorporating spiritual elements from my heritage, chanting & having a dialogue w all the elements in me.
Awareness, being Just-Is, having unobstructed flow have helped me to stay sane.. I'm noticing the traffic inside the circuitry and I observe tightness, freezing, woodening, firing & much more.
Being Neurodivergent, I grew up absorbing so much for example a quiet room in a library is noisy to me. I hear & feel a lot. It was the 80s, growing up in the global south, i had no choice but to cultivate some peace in a noisy world. I went within.
Not having medical support, the same practice that helped me cope w cPTSD & Autism is also helping me with MS.
The hardest struggle for me is balancing the philosophical/spiritual aspect that I am not my body when my body really demands my advocacy..
Being mindful & meditative is effortless but the traffic/flow that rushes through my system is heavy & I'm exhausted.
I turn to poetry, philosophy, a confluence of science and Non-Dual spirituality from various traditions in my heritage. Adrienne Maree Brown & the Emergent Strategy movement have fueled me too. Recently found Sophie Strand's work bridging self constructed mythology, philosophy and disability.
I'd love to hear how others are finding practices that helps them face the abyss ✨🕳️
#buddhism #esoteric #mysticism #sufism #spirituality #philosophy #sophiestrand #adriennemareebrown
#ms #livingwithms #multiplesclerosis #MSChat #spoonies #buddhism #esoteric #mysticism #sufism #spirituality #philosophy #sophiestrand #adriennemareebrown
My bookshelf is at that point where I'm building up two rows on one shelf. Meanwhile, I'm making my way through the book PLEASURE ACTIVISM. #AKPress #adriennemareebrown
This conference (http://bit.ly/3koeyfC) is coming up and ngl, finding joy in #HigherEd is not easy and the road to #ReimagineTeaching is long. I look always to
#adriennemareebrown #ResmaaMenakem #KaiChengThom #ShawnGinwright, #BellHooks and so many others for inspiration and guidance. Thank you for blessing us with your light and joy.
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsive #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #JoyfulTeaching #ReimagineEducation @edutooters #EduTooter @edutooter #EduToot
#edutoot #edutooter #reimagineeducation #joyfulteaching #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsive #traumaresponsiveeducation #bellhooks #shawnginwright #KaiChengThom #resmaamenakem #adriennemareebrown #reimagineteaching #highered
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #AfternoonShow
adrienne maree brown feat. The Bengsons:
🎵 Ancestors Use Me
#nowplaying #kexp #AfternoonShow #adriennemareebrown #thebengsons
@meoutloud that's awesome. I wasn't familiar with Dr. Nichols but his work definitely sounds in alignment with #abolition and other justice-aligned values.
I'm a huge fan of #BellHooks & #Freire and adore the work of #AdrienneMareeBrown
#ResmaaMenakem's work is so provocative. I've only read about half of #MyGrandmothersHands (Mostly because i needed time to process) but I really appreciate his candor and the way he addresses how the trauma of oppression gets stored in the body.
His book was the reason I started seeking more information about #somatics and the work #healingjustice practitioners in #movement spaces
#abolition #bellhooks #freire #adriennemareebrown #ResmaaMenakem #MyGrandmothersHands #somatics #healingjustice #movement
@seanalan #EmergentStrategy is such a beautifully written and informative book.
I just purchased #AdrienneMareeBrown's book #HoldingChange and am looking forward to delving into that more into the new year.
Happy to take other recommendations about #movement & #antioppression #facilitation, #Participatory processes, and #DemocraticGovernance
#emergentstrategy #adriennemareebrown #HoldingChange #movement #antioppression #facilitation #participatory #democraticgovernance
@theneurotrust @schock one of my fav books read in 2022 was #EmergentStrategy by #AdrienneMareeBrown
#emergentstrategy #adriennemareebrown
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #Early
adrienne maree brown feat. The Bengsons:
🎵 Ancestors Use Me
#nowplaying #early #adriennemareebrown #thebengsons
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter who were your favorite influencers of 2022?
My favorite influencers were:
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #adriennemareebrown #MariameKaba #marclamonthill #wkamaubell #winstonduke
“—how I spend my life is my decision, based on all kinds of data coming from my body. And I can grant others the same level of complexity and contradiction as I am learning to embody—we are all multitudes in process. We get to have boundaries. We get to have longings and articulate them. We can begin to imagine a society coordinated around honest, clearly articulated longings.” —#adriennemareebrown Pleasure Activism #bookstodon #boundaries
#adriennemareebrown #bookstodon #boundaries
I've been noodling on the #adriennemareebrown concept of WOEs, the folks who are Working on Excellence with you.
I wonder about how an #OpenWoE protocol, that sits on top of #ActivityPub with affordances for soliciting and receiving thoughtful, compassionate, and critical feedback on personal, creative or professional work.
Like #OpenWoE applications designed for niche circumstances, like soliciting review of a patch from colleagues! Or soliciting editorial guidance fromZine co-authors...
#adriennemareebrown #openwoe #activitypub
Do any DesignJustice folks know where to purchase a copy of the first issue of #DeemJournal?
I purchased the other issues but have been having a hard time finding the #DesignForDignity issue with #AdrienneMareeBrown on the cover
#deemjournal #designfordignity #adriennemareebrown
I've been thinking about a line I got from #AdrienneMareeBrown (I forget who she got it from), about making the movement irresistible. How do we do make #accessibility and #PublicHealth #irresistible?
#adriennemareebrown #accessibility #publichealth #Irresistible
This is a really enjoyable and readable interview with #adriennemareebrown covering everything from Emergent Strategy to honesty to cows. Lovely stuff.
My main #BookRecommendation list...
- anything & everything by #AdrienneMareeBrown (activism, organizing, Afrofuturist fiction)
- Betty Martin's The Art of Giving and Receiving (her #WheelOfConsent is so powerful)
- Tamsyn Muir's #LockedTomb (lesbian necromancers in spaaaaaaace!)
- Bear Bergman's Special Topics in Being a Human (a graphic novel on things like how to apologize well)
#bookrecommendation #adriennemareebrown #WheelOfConsent #LockedTomb
@lilcoppertop yaaasssss!
I read #ParableOfTheSower back in 2020. I also finished #ParableOfTheTalents.
I followed along with #AdrienneMareeBrown and #ToshiReagon's #podcast #OctaviasParables. The discussion and questions they asked were so rich and provocative. Would highly recommend.
I'm excited to learn more about Lillith's Brood.
I just finished #TheFifthSeason from #NKJemison and really enjoyed the world building and writing
#parableofthesower #ParableOfTheTalents #adriennemareebrown #ToshiReagon #Podcast #OctaviasParables #TheFifthSeason #NKJemison
For anyone who's living or doing organizing/justice work in #NYC AND who's #BIPOC or trying to be more BIPOC-supportive, AND who's read #EmergentStrategy, there's a "New York City Immersion" coming up in June that might be of interest. Here's the application:
#AdrienneMareeBrown (capitalizing hashtags seems so wrong in this case...)
#nyc #bipoc #emergentstrategy #adriennemareebrown