@Deglassco it's a really nice national park, we did that in the morning and finished the day 60 miles up the road on a self guided driving tour of Gettysburg!
I you find yourself at #HarpersFerry and you enjoy beer I suggest typing #AdroitTheory into your mapping app and following those directions, the brewery is like 20 miles south and worth every single mile of the drive!
#HarpersFerry is not too far from #AdroitTheory brewery, ask me why I know that.........
Stopped at #CrookedCrabBrewing for lunch. Had a #SteelCrustacean imperial stout (#AdroitTheory collab), a #MapleCinnamonCrabHammer milk stout, and a #MochaJavaMaximumJoltage coffee stout. #Maryland #MarylandBeer #ItsAlwaysStoutSeason @beersofmastodon
#crookedcrabbrewing #steelcrustacean #adroittheory #maplecinnamoncrabhammer #mochajavamaximumjoltage #maryland #marylandbeer #itsalwaysstoutseason
So tried this aged bottle of #AdroitTheory All I See Is Carrion, but it did not age well.
Tasted like Dr. Pepper. =/
#Untappd Rating: Unrated
#adroittheory #untappd #beer #craftbeer #vabeer #barrelaged