@yassie_j @rail had the same in #EDGEland.
Shitty #ADSL cabling lines are like 2,8km long so all the #FTTC bs DOESN'T WORK and everything above 6M/1M [i.e. 18M/3M #ADSL2+ ] basically has so much packet loss and errors that it's even slower than the 6M/1M line before.
Fixed that at said location by getting #FTTB + #DOCSIS installed in the house.
#docsis #fttb #adsl2 #fttc #adsl #edgeland
"Broadband over 'wet string' tested for fun"
'Engineers at a small British internet service provider have successfully made a broadband connection work over 2m (6ft 7in) of wet string.'
'The connection reached speeds of 3.5 Mbps (megabits per second), according to the Andrews and Arnold engineer who conducted the experiment.'
#Technology #UK #andrewsandarnold #dsl #adsl #broadband
Des kilomètres de câbles volés, Orange déplore des centaines de foyers privés de téléphone et d'internet dans l'Hérault et le Gard https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/herault/beziers/des-kilometres-de-cables-voles-orange-deplore-des-centaines-de-foyers-prives-de-telephone-et-d-internet-dans-l-herault-et-le-gard-2820242.html #orange #internet #adsl #réseau_téléphonique #câble_téléphonique #câble #vol_de_câble #vandalisme #hérault #gard #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm #99th_revue
#99th_revue #2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #gard #herault #vandalisme #vol_de_cable #cable #cable_telephonique #reseau_telephonique #adsl #internet #orange
Upgrading my wife's desktop PC from #Debian Bullseye to Bookworm this morning. My server has cached most of the deb files from yesterday's upgrade, so it's mostly going quite quickly considering our awful #ADSL connection.
Thanks to #OrangeFrance - most of the town has 1Gig FTTP but not our street - we're stuck on low end ADSL - not even faster xDSL.
@grillchen @Jain @kaia @puniko damn...
I'm really sorry for you...
Cuz #ADSL sucks and #DTAG has an absurdly.congested #CoreNetwork to the point that both #Cogent and #Level3 once sued them for "insufficient capacity" since they don't want to be abused as #upstreams.
Needless to say DTAG doesn't really peer openly on #DECIX and only is present there for clients that want them to do transit.
#DECIX #upstreams #Level3 #cogent #CoreNetwork #DTAG #adsl
Fin de l' #ADSL en France, tout ce qu'il vous faut savoir
#BBC #Archive (1994) - Are YOU Ready for the #INTERNET?
#RetroTech #RetroTechnology #Tech #Technology #Modem #Modems #InformationSuperhighway #FiberOptics #Broadband #CableTV #ADSL #Retro #Computing #RetroComputing #WWW #WorldWideWeb #Web
#web #worldwideweb #www #retrocomputing #computing #retro #adsl #cabletv #broadband #fiberoptics #informationsuperhighway #modems #modem #technology #tech #retrotechnology #retrotech #internet #archive #bbc
I think the #ADSL is down again...
#Broadband #ISP #Openreach
#adsl #broadband #isp #openreach
Heren technici, ik heb wat mansplaining nodig. 😉
ADSL gaat/ging over de oude koperdraden van de telefoon.
Dit wordt/is landelijk uitgefaseerd?
Kabel gaat over 'kabel'.
Wat is die 'kabel' en waarom is die niet overal gelegd?
Glasvezelverbinding gaat over glasvezel.
#internetaansluiting #tecnologie #kabelaansluiting #ADSL #telefonie
#telefonie #adsl #kabelaansluiting #tecnologie #internetaansluiting
Dis... le bouton I/O d'une box ADSL Orange qui est bloqué "enfoncé", ça te parle ? Ça s'ouvre une box Orange ?
C'est celle de mes vieux, j'ai peur qu'Orange en profite pour leur coller la fibre si on demande le remplacement de la box...
@sortius Who knew that my conversion several years back from #adsl to #fraudband would yield such shitty speeds? Who knew that having to persist with >700m of shitty rotted copper from my telstra street pit [fills with water at the mere whiff of a dull day] to the nearest node box, would give me shitty speeds on my shitty #fttn service? Who knew? Paul Budde & numerous other tech experts. madmonk & trumble [😜 ] did it anyway. Bastards.
@dekkzz76 Not to my knowledge. They rarely even have anything like regional rail anymore. We went full #CarDependency (you don't do that if you're sane).
They often have #ADSL & #VDSL or just absolutely nothing other than overpriced satellite internet in distant rural localities.
ユーザから見たYahoo! BBの #ADSL モデムバラまきキャンペーンの実態って、こんな感じだったのね
Yahoo!BBがモデムをばらまき? [節約] All About - https://allabout.co.jp/gm/gc/48208/