Original toot date: 22 March, 2023
#WhoAmIWednesday - Disabled, Neurodiverse & Queer.
I wasn’t sure I should post this story. In fact, I'm still not sure. As I get ready to press the Toot button, my heart rate is increasing, my head is spinning & I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.
But you can’t be what you can’t see. You can’t raise awareness if people don’t know you exist!
So here it is, one of the most personal stories I have shared to date.
Full story here 👇
#chloeshayden #JordonSteeleJohn
#glbt #lgbtqia #LGBTI #GLBTI #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #ADHD #adultadhd #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #AdultAutism #OCD #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #PCOS #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #chloeshayden #jordonsteelejohn #ellydesmarchelier #diversityandinclusion #glbt #lgbtqia #lgbti #glbti #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #adhd #AdultADHD #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adultautism #ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #pcos #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #wearebrimbank
What an absolutely soul crushing day.😵💫🥹
I was so down already, low on spoons and had cried several times this week, and this afternoon with bizarre „social“ interaction metaphorically killed me and crushed my heart.
Being honest and vulnerable is not appreciated.
@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic #adultautism #soulcrushing
#actuallyautistic #adultautism #soulcrushing
#WhoAmIWednesday - Disabled, Neurodiverse & Queer.
I wasn’t sure I should post this story. In fact, I'm still not sure. As I get ready to press the Tweet button, my heart rate is increasing, my head is spinning & I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.
But you can’t be what you can’t see. You can’t raise awareness if people don’t know you exist!
So here it is, one of the most personal stories I have shared to date.
Full story here 👇
#chloeshayden #JordonSteeleJohn
#glbt #lgbtqia #LGBTI #GLBTI #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #ADHD #adultadhd #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #AdultAutism #OCD #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #PCOS #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #disabled #neurodiverse #chloeshayden #jordonsteelejohn #ellydesmarchelier #diversityandinclusion #glbt #lgbtqia #lgbti #glbti #queerrights #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiversityawareness #adhd #AdultADHD #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adultautism #ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #pcos #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #wearebrimbank
I absolutely loved this manual on autism in the adult. („Hochfuntionaler Autismus bei Erwachsenen - Ein kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisches Manual“ by Isabel Dziobek and Sandra Stoll)
#autism #autismintheadult #adultautism #therapy #cognitivebehavioraltherapy
#autism #autismintheadult #adultautism #therapy #cognitivebehavioraltherapy
Nobody's perfect. It's always easier said than done. But if you want to practice self-care, and you want to have more peaceful and enjoyable days and nights, then tips like these will take you a long way. Your goal is progress, not perfection. You can do it. Peace. (PMM)♧
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#Neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #PDA #CPTSD #Dysthymia #Depression #ExecutiveDysfunction
#PathologicalDemandAvoidance #Anxiety #AbuseAndNeglect #Stimming #Echolalia #ComplexPostTraumaticStressDisorder #AdultAutism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #trauma #masking #Anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #EmotionalDysregulation #Alexythymia
#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia
"Recovering Addicts
are not bad people
trying to be good--
They are sick people
working to be well."
Pádraig Michael Mann ♧
Historian, Musician, Neurodivergent
January 2, 2023 ♾️
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#Neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #PDA #CPTSD #Dysthymia #Depression #ExecutiveDysfunction
#PathologicalDemandAvoidance #Anxiety #AbuseAndNeglect #Stimming #Echolalia #ComplexPostTraumaticStressDisorder #AdultAutism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #trauma #masking #Anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #EmotionalDysregulation #Alexythymia
#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia
Rest. You deserve rest. Don't apologize for resting, or for taking care of yourself. Leisure time is as important as work time. You can't be always "on", without burning yourself out. There's a little known but logical old proverb that says, 'when you find that you have dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.' Rest. You do deserve it. Peace be with you. (PMM)♧
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#Neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #PDA #CPTSD #Dysthymia #Depression #ExecutiveDysfunction
#PathologicalDemandAvoidance #Anxiety #AbuseAndNeglect #Stimming #Echolalia #ComplexPostTraumaticStressDisorder #AdultAutism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #trauma #masking #Anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #EmotionalDysregulation #Alexythymia
#neurodivergent #Autistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #PDA #CPTSD #dysthymia #depression #executivedysfunction #pathologicaldemandavoidance #anxiety #abuseandneglect #stimming #echolalia #complexposttraumaticstressdisorder #adultautism #suicide #artists #musicians #craftspeople #Trauma #masking #anhedonia #burnout #selfemployed #OCD #AutisticInertia #emotionaldysregulation #alexythymia
Zumbador has assembled an amazing, expansive collection of helpful links about autism in adults."Where possible I've prioritised resources created by neurodivergent people."
#AdultAutism #autism, #neurodivergence #neurodivergent
#adultautism #autism #neurodivergence #neurodivergent
When you're broke but went out of your way to help ensure everybody got what was on their mandatory xmas wish list but they gifted like they never even saw yours (wrong gifts, wrong sizes no receipts, and just canceling a medical bill “iou” through a note inside a money card that they well knew I was never going to be able to pay back anyways) 😑🥺 #knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #audhd #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense #latedx #selfdx
#knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #AuDHD #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense #LateDX #SelfDx
When you're broke but went out of your way to help ensure everybody got what was on their mandatory amas wish list but they gifted like they never even saw yours (wrong gifts, wrong sizes no receipts, and just canceling a medical bill “iou” through a note inside a money card that they well knew I was never going to be able to pay back anyways) 😑🥺 #knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #audhd #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense
#knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #AuDHD #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense
My brain is very tired today after a long week of travel and lots of stimulation and context switching.
I'm trying to be gentle with myself and others today, but processing is hard and my attention is scattered more than usual.
I feel good about putting in the time this morning to get dressed in a way that helps me connect to my body and ground myself today.
#actuallyautistic #adultautism #adhd #neurodivergent
I have been learning to listen to myself when it comes to how tired i am, what my body actually feels like and might be best after travel.
As a kid, 12 hour flights meant everyone was exhausted so needing lots of rest wasn’t unusual. I also like driving, so didn’t notice how much travel tired me out until i started doing short flights.
I have learned that i need rest, downtime and quiet as soon as possible after a trip to regulate and calm my body down.
#adultautism #actuallyautistic