I think I'm finally getting the hang of coloring natural scenes (as opposed to mandalas) with alcohol markers. I'm quite happy with the inside of the mouth.
Sometimes, I just want to use ALL the colorsš¤£ second page from #amazingpatternsadultcoloringbook This is what I wanted the @coloritcom patterns 2 book was: more patterns, fewer florals. I love the art but the paper quality makes it less than a fun color. #adultcoloring
#amazingpatternsadultcoloringbook #adultcoloring
Good morning, lovely people! I am struggling to maintain a positive outlook today so I'm starting the day off with tea and coloring on the patio
#today #BloomScrolling #adultColoring
#today #bloomscrolling #adultcoloring
Progress on my #mythogorianightterrors page. Now I need hunt down tutorials for coloring wood and water. #adultcoloring
#mythogorianightterrors #adultcoloring
Stepping out of my comfort zone! This is from Mythogoria: Night Terrors
This is my third time #coloring a page in a #KerbyRosanes book. I used Zebra Mildliners and Faber Castell Polychromos colored pencils. I'm not entirely pleased with the result, but it was fun and relaxing getting there over about 3-4 days. The image is cropped because my scanner is small and my camera is potato... #AdultColoring #art
#coloring #kerbyrosanes #adultcoloring #art
AQI and ozone levels have me struggling today but at least I can still enjoy coloring. With #aphantasia I struggle to choose color combos but rainbows are always an easy choice.
Another page from Colorful Patterns by Colorit. This was my first attempt at background.
#adultcoloringbook #adultcoloring
#adultcoloringbook #adultcoloring
Another page from #Mandalasvol8 from Colorit. Coloring with these #prismacolorpencils is a totally different experience from the cheap ones.
#adultcoloringbook #adultcoloring
#mandalasvol8 #prismacolorpencils #adultcoloringbook #adultcoloring
Today, I fell in love with watercolor pencils! I went to an art supplies shop and bought a couple individual pencils from various brands. I just dabbed on the water with a Q-tip and love it. I can't wait to try it with actual brushes. #lunaColoringBook #adultColoring
#lunacoloringbook #adultcoloring
Another page from Mandalas vol 8 by Colorit
#coloritmandalas8 #adultcoloring
#coloritmandalas8 #adultcoloring
Another page from Mandalas vol 8 by Colorit
#adultcoloring #postconcussionsyndrome
This page is from Colour Art: The Wellbeing Collection. This was the first coloring book before knowing anything about what I would like or what makes a good book. This paper has a glossy finish so that the ink sits on top and smears if you look at it wrong and is all over my hand. I love the patterns but I probably won't color more from it.
Look who's trying to change her relationship with insomnia. The neck wrap light that I bought for knitting works well for coloring after everyone else has gone to bed. It totally bypassed all the ramp up of anxiety/frustration/restlessness/loneliness that always surface during a bad insomnia bout.
#adultcoloring #coloritmandalas8 #chronicinsomnia
#adultcoloring #coloritmandalas8 #chronicinsomnia
Online Archive Provides Free Coloring Book Pages From Over 100 Libraries and Museums
>Get some free coloring book pages and start coloring to relieve stress today!
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#adultcoloring #adultcoloringbook #coloringbook #watercolor #aquarelle #coloring #ritaberman #Buntstifte #coloredpencils #meinereisedurcheuropa
Done this in streams. In between i wasn't happy with my color choice but I think it turned out quite nice in the end .I really love the fiery tulips.
#meinereisedurcheuropa #coloredpencils #Buntstifte #ritaberman #coloring #aquarelle #watercolor #coloringbook #adultcoloringbook #adultcoloring