#Adulted today.
Took a tree man on a tour of my out of control garden for a discussion on how to get it under control again. Many trees will be removed or chopped back to a manageable height.
In the meantime, a chainsaw has been buzzing since mid-morning in the reserve. The huge chunk of willow tree that crashed down in the cyclone is being dealt with.
My convo w Phillip A Jones for The Wall: Behind & Beyond podcast! We talk about #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultLearning #Abolition & a *lot* more - give us a listen!!
#CorrectionsEducation #HIgherEdInPrison #AdultEd #CriticalCriminology #AdultEducation #TeachingAndLearning #EduToot #Criminology #EduTooter
@edutooters @edutooter
#edutooter #criminology #edutoot #teachingandlearning #adulteducation #criticalcriminology #adulted #higheredinprison #correctionseducation #abolition #AdultLearning #traumaresponsiveteaching
Realizing tonight that this has been the longest that I’ve lived in one place since I was 18. Over four years in San Antonio and in June, four years in the same residence. Previous adult record was 3 years (tied in Evanston and Memphis). #MedMastodom #adulted
I have finally defined that pivotal moment of becoming an adult-
When you pick a large bit of fuzz off something and as you go to throw it on the floor- you realize you’ll just have to pick it up twice if you do that so you go put it in the trash.
@D_J_Nathanson here's to badgering everyone about #Education, #TraumaResponsiveTeaching and ending #MassIncarceration
#HigherEd #AdultEd #AdultLearning #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #AdultLearning #adulted #highered #massincarceration #traumaresponsiveteaching #education
Okay... the wills and POAs are properly witnessed, signed, and notarized, and copies have been made to send to executors.
I haver officially #adulted enough this week.