It felt great to be back in my weekend #AdultESOL class today. Class went well, and they loved #SuperJintori. I'm not sure the English name, but it is a fast-paced card game good for practicing new vocabulary.
#adultesol #superjintori #esol #esl #efl
And, I'm sick. Came on fairly suddenly. Headache, aches and pains, etc.
Had to cancel #AdultESOL class this morning. Getting a sub at 7:30 Saturday morning of a 3-day weekend is not easy. (Shocking, right?)
Might have to cancel tomorrow also, if we still can't find a sub.
#AdultESOL went well this weekend.
Updating my workbook for next term. Probably won't get all the new unit slides ready, but don't have to - can switch out a few each term until the workbook is mostly completely updated.
Using #LaTeXBeamer for the slides, of course.
Feels like Friday. #ProfessionalDevelopment went well at work today. Meeting at the #CommunityCollege went well.
No #AdultESOL (#AdultESL) class this weekend, so don't have to prep or grade today.
I should exercise, but I think I'll finish John Wick 4 instead.
#professionaldevelopment #communitycollege #adultesol #adultesl
Adult Basic ESL class went well today. We took yesterday off for Eid. It is always weird having only 1 class on a weekend.
Did more work on my #Spanish final exam practice test generator. Squashed a few bugs, think it is working pretty well now.
Time to actually study for #español #espanol class for tomorrow.
#spanish #espanol #esol #adultesol
I have today off (no #AdultESOL class), but wife is at work.
I might finally be able to watch #TWIT #ThisWeekInTech live today.
#adultesol #TWiT #ThisWeekInTech
#AdultESOL class went well today. No class tomorrow (because Christian holiday).
For some reason, I am exhausted. Maybe it is because I don't have to prep for tomorrow, or next M-F (because spring break). Seems plausible.
#AdultESOL class went well today. Need to do a bit of prep for class tomorrow, then it is time to spend hours studying for #Spanish test on Monday.
I'm a bit worried about the test Monday, because wow the amount of vocabulary from the last month or so is incredible.
#adultesol #spanish #esl #esol #lifelonglearning
Love the green on black!
Also, appreciate the article. I'm sort of the same. I love taking something existing and working to fit what I need. But, start with a blank page? Doable, but much less motivated.
I just used #ChatGPT to get started on 3 short readings for my #ESOL class and 1 longer reading to help me practice #español.
Then, I spent an hour rewriting the English stuff into something most appropriate for my students.
#chatgpt #esol #espanol #esl #adultesol
Great start to new term of #AdultESOL at #CSCC.
One thing that bothers me, though, is that the official calendar has Easter off, but classes on Eid.
Current schedule has a quiz the class after Eid, meaning many of the students will miss that day of content and review, and then have to sit a quiz without any chance to get caught up.
Cough, cough, I think I feel a cold coming on around April 23rd.
Actually, talking w/ students about taking off and using make up day in May.
#adultesol #cscc #esol #esl #besl6
Redid my #AdultESOL students' writing journal to finally fix some issues and add back in reading responses.
Worth the few hours it took.
#adultesol #latex #esol #cscc #basicesl6