Later today I will be giving a talk at #DebConf23
I haven't yet finished my slides, so I'm not quite what's going to happen. Guess we'll find out together unless planet earth gets recycled/hit by a big ass meteor - I **am** praying for rain.
🌏 🌋 🥦 🤯 🦎 🥁 🤘 🌈 🚀 🦄
#tool #aenema #eulogy #adulting #failure #Librem5 #debian #MobileLinux
And remember boys, girls, aliens from outer space and other living beings:
There is #NoPlanetB
#DebConf23 #tool #aenema #eulogy #adulting #failure #librem5 #debian #mobilelinux #noplanetb #thereisnoplanetb #kglw #kgatlw
Hasta aquí mi spam hachil de domingo.
Ahora a seguir recuperando la vitalidad porque mañana es lunes y hay que hacer #adulting.
Yes, yes, #Amazon is a bad company, but as someone who doesn't have health insurance in a town where getting medical supplies is a crap shoot, they're the only place I can reliably order #ileostomy supplies and Mom's extra BiPap masks.
#amazon #ileostomy #adulting #caretaker
Oof, gotta love jumping out of bed at 6:30am because you realize that your ileostomy wafer has wandered off and you're about to make a huge mess in the bed.
One shower and bag/wafer change later, I'm exhausted.
#adulting means today I spent 4.5 hours today doing laundry for every piece of soothes that fits me and is day to day wear (my Kilt and Ren garb need dry cleaning) and re organizing into my new #Ikea wardrobe so my partner can take the closet over when she moves in with me.
Great way to spend a day off but now I need to lay down and pretend I am dead for a few hours.
Ugh, I'd love to just play Starfield, but life's too busy to take time out for something like that right now. #Starfield #Gaming #Time #Adulting
#starfield #gaming #time #adulting
my partner: we have to fix the grading of the yard to prevent potential water damage
me: how expensive will that be?
him: p. expensive
me: so, what I hear u saying is that i will have to live with this terrible 90s bathroom forever?
And of course I'm going to have ice cream for dinner.
Because I effing deserve it for putting up with this day.
Dark Brandon needs to visit Florida immediately following hurricane Idalia with a speech that goes something along the lines of “While governor Rhonda Sadness is laser focused on battling Disney and wokeness, my administration and the federal government are going to make sure the people of Florida have access to emergency shelter, food, relief, and medical care.” #adulting #DarkBrandon
@looneybyron stationery!!!!!!! Don’t get me started 😂 I am going to make some cardboard trays that match for my desk drawers. #adulting
2: 要订9月初我生日的餐厅,要去店里配有度数的太阳镜。
3:9月底brother-in law生日,10月中侄子生日,都要买礼物。
4: 10月中去New Jersey参加婚礼,已经订好了机票和酒店,还要订car service和餐厅。
5:做下半年的finance,要开CD账户存钱,往Vanguard Roth IRA存钱,研究下Tbill,重新分配一下509plan,做expense tracking和budgeting。
7: 给孩子申请新学校。
8: 给我和孩子申请visa。
9: schedule一年一度的carpet cleaning,正在考虑自己买一个洗地毯机。
10: schedule孩子的疫苗和两岁体检
Ugh, would my computer PLEASE not die now, I really don't have the funds to get a newer one with all of Mom's dental work coming up....
#adulting #computerwoes #caretaker
My laptop's coming to the end of its life (specs below). 💻 🔨
Every time this sort of thing happens, it takes me by surprise.
I guess my digital life flashes before my eyes and I wonder what I need all this power for.
I'm no longer the kind of power user I was when I got it. I occasionally flex for a couple of things like converting videos, but generally I write, I use cloud-based tools and I do the things that you can't do on a phone (#adulting, invoicing, dual-screens, collaboration).
Everything new seems overkill, overpriced and not really value-add.
Would love to be desktop, and on a Linux distro, but portability and cloud lock-in is enough of a thing. #Upgradablity and #RightToRepair are no longer nice-to-haves. The research gets me nowhere (Framework, Dell, Apple, eBay are where I end up).
I guess every direction forward has thorns: get something more than I need, rip up familiarity and start over or scour for a solid second-hand machine and merge parts.
*I am* looking forward to saying goodbye to one of the worst keyboards I've ever used. 😂
For right now, time is on my side, I'm grounded using this like a desktop.
I'm not looking for reassurance or advice, but I would love to hear of uplifting experiences people have had when they face this situation. 😘
Specs: #MacBookPro 15" 2017 / 3.1 Qi7 / 16GB DDR3 / 4GB GPU / 1TB.
4 Repairs: top-case, battery, screen.
Issues: screen turns off at 30º angle, battery flat quick, crashes regularly after sleep.
#adulting #upgradablity #righttorepair #macbookpro
It brings me great joy to eat maple beef jerky and slices of Swiss cheese for breakfast. #adulting
Yay! Plumber finally booked in for work on 4 September.
Now, what else am I doing? Oh yes, quick grocery top-up, then sort out ID card nonsense, and get some cat-related supplies organised.
Maybe I can manage #adulting today.
@justironic i am specifically getting one that is much easier to clean than the one we have now, i’m so excited for the new kitchen 😅 #adulting
Me: (walking into Mom's room) OK, so I know I'm supposed to be the responsible one --
Mom: (interrupting) Why?
Me: ....
Mom: ....
Me: OK, I'm ordering lunch.
Mom: Lovely, thank you.
We're both are tired and in pain from a busy week, and while I probably shouldn't because her root canal is not covered by insurance, I am just too tired and in too much pain to cook today.
For various reasons I didn't eat lunch until 4... and it was a pretty big lunch. I'm thinking dinner might just be a late bowl of ice cream.
Replaced our water heater had to move it from under the stairs to the front door to drain it thats how clogged and bad it was. Now we have hot water once we figure out what temp to put the water heater at.
#adulting #owningahouse
I have gotten her up, showered, dressed, fed, and we're about to head out the door.
This may be the first time she's not fought going to any kind of doctor in literally years.