I seriously need to start playing guitar more. I always wind up spending too much money on these
"summer sales" and then never doing anything with them. Being an adult sucks sometimes. #adultingsucks
The best way to ruin a week off is to have a power outage that shorts out your fridge…. Now I get to work on that all week. Lovely. #MurphysLaw #SamsungSucks #PowerOutage #WhatShouldIDo #KeepingItCool #Poop #AdultingSucks
#murphyslaw #samsungsucks #poweroutage #whatshouldido #keepingitcool #poop #adultingsucks
Gahhh why does The Weekend have to end it never seems long enough #AdultingSucks
Annoying things adulting makes you buy episode 602 - pliers and staple guns.
Is it so wrong to want more books?
Bored now.
Things I hate spending money on because of adulting, episode 873 - a sealant gun. I mean, #FFS
Perfectly good cake/book/pretty much anything else money.
I am not amused.
#AdultingSucks #Tools
For 7 years we been living with fascism and it's been an absolute nightmare. Only been an adult for 8 years and 7/8 of those years have been hell and its all thanks to Trump and the Republicans. Had a normal life before all of this now I don't and people have told me I need a more positive outlook when in reality that's not really possible with everything going on. #AdultingSucks
I’m done with adulting today. Someone please bring me a copious amount of dumplings in various forms, and a mighty pile of noods, while I stream Studio Ghibli films in bed. #BearsOfMastodon #GayCub #Hangry #AdultingSucks #SelfCareMode #Gay
#bearsofmastodon #gaycub #hangry #adultingsucks #selfcaremode #gay
Fine. I’ll move the laundry along and fold and put away the clothes. #domesticchores #adulting #adultingsucks
#domesticchores #adulting #adultingsucks
So far today, I’ve forked over roughly $2700 in a matter of mins. 😔
Me he echado una cerveza después de cenar y con el cansancio que llevo acumulado de toda la semana ya estoy papa 🤷🤷🤷 Ay, con lo que yo he sido... #AdultingSucks
Not only do I have to spend the money I might have spent on Lego Rivendell getting my heating fixed but it turns out now that the heating may still not be fixed for many weeks… and it’s even more expensive than lego Rivendell. Being an adult is shite.
On the other hand, yet again it seems the prudent thing to do with gift vouchers is hold on to them until something serious breaks!! #adultingSucks
Well most of #today was the chill and relax day that I needed…until he did a budget for finances once he’s in school and has to go to part time work instead of full time. I am now spiraling for the fourth? Fifth? 8th? Night in a row. The year has barely started and I am already over it. I just wanna cry until I have no tears left but I have a rule of never crying in front of him so I’ll just bottle it up or wait til he’s asleep and try to sob silently. Kinda sorta low key just don’t wanna wake up and have to do life anymore. #ActuallyAutistic #Depression #Anxiety #ADHD #FinancesSuck #AdultingSucks #BurnOut
#Today #actuallyautistic #depression #anxiety #adhd #financessuck #adultingsucks #burnout
#Journal, Day 1012
Monday, 26 December 2022
#journal #boxingday #memories #childhood #adultingsucks #magicisgone
Listening to the rain striking the gutter reminds me of a time when I thought it was a pretty sound that could put me to sleep and not a reminder that I again forgot to clean the damn thing before rainy season… freaking stupid ass grown up problems…..#GrownAssProblems #RainyDayMusing #adultingsucks
#grownassproblems #rainydaymusing #adultingsucks
Nothing makes you regret not eating at home and impulse food buys more than be being short on bill at the end of the month #AdultingSucks
@kyleshevlin Had that same thought last week. But, now it's snowing, so I guess the leaves will have to wait until spring. #AdultingSucks
Sadly, I think I need to move my 1541 and 1571 to storage...things are a bit hectic at the house and I need to move my server from the other room to this one. I don't really use them anyway, I'm pretty much all cross-dev between Linux and my U64 via FTP or thumbdrive. I guess working with actual disks will have to wait a while. #AdultingSucks