Aber wen als Arbeit schon Auf und Nieder der Augenlider quält,
dem trägen Lasttier gehört das Glück, —
keinem anderen.
Aṣṭāvakra-Gītā 2.17,
Üb.: Heinrich Zimmer, 1929.
व्यापारे खिद्यते यस्तु निमेषोन्मेषयोरपि |
तस्यालस्यधुरीणस्य सुखं नान्यस्य कस्यचित् ||
vyāpāre khidyate yas tu nimeṣonmeṣayor api |
tasyālasyadhurīṇasya sukhaṃ nānyasya kasyacit ||
#Sanskrit #Vedanta #Advaita #AntiWork
#Sanskrit #vedanta #advaita #antiwork
Important tenets
'You can only give someone so much shit about being who they are and still claim to love them' Friend
'You aren't what you look like' Douglas Harding
'Judge not, lest ye be judged' Jeebs
'Fear can stop you loving; love can stop your fear' Morcheeba
'Hard is not strong, soft is not weak, truth is not wisdom and silence is not justice' ME
Herein, betwixt and between are #nondualist pointers about self, acceptance, relations, identity and development.
(2/3) Furthermore, the ultimate destination is beyond all qualities ( #advaita ), therefore the fruits of yoga in this life are only stepping stones to the ultimate result, the end result, and debate on the "correct" #sadhana is irrelevant as long as the path leads to the same place. #hindu #yoga #hinduism #dharma #sanatanadharma
#advaita #sadhana #hindu #yoga #hinduism #dharma #sanatanadharma
Advaita Vedanta (/ʌdˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, is a #Hindu #sādhanā, a #path of #spiritual #discipline and #experience, and the oldest #extant #tradition of the #orthodox Hindu school #Vedānta. The term #Advaita (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "#nondualism",and often equated with #monism) refers to the idea that #Brahman alone is ultimately real, while the #transient phenomenal world is an illusory appearance (#maya) of Brahman.
#AdvaitaVedanta #maya #transient #brahman #monism #nondualism #advaita #vedanta #orthodox #tradition #extant #experience #discipline #spiritual #path #SADHANA #hindu
#AdvaitaVedanta (/ʌdˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, is a #Hindu #sādhanā, a #path of #spiritual #discipline and #experience, and the oldest #extant #tradition of the #orthodox Hindu school #Vedānta. The term #Advaita (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "#nondualism",and often equated with #monism) refers to the idea that #Brahman alone is ultimately real, while the #transient phenomenal world is an illusory appearance (#maya) of Brahman.
#AdvaitaVedanta #maya #transient #brahman #monism #nondualism #advaita #vedanta #orthodox #tradition #extant #experience #discipline #spiritual #path #SADHANA #hindu
“The experience of money, in its possession and circulation, in the abstractness and impersonality of its value, etc., incites monistic thoughts.”
#monism #nonduality #advaita #Neoplatonism #emanations #mind #money
#monism #nonduality #advaita #Neoplatonism #emanations #mind #money
Can discipline lead to realization in the sense underlying #Advaita? (Sometimes the barest of questions on virtually any topic—not just #philosophy—permit sufficient space for broad contemplation that eventuates in answers. Modifications and attributes can be added subsequently, as in building, toward a more definitive conclusion.)
We have sense to realize that problems have reasons and seek them out to cure ignorance. But we are blinded by pain that pulls us back into the maw of unreason and there stew in renewed ignorance, sure that it must be real if it hurts so much.
More questions than answers. A start long, long ago. Possibilities come and go. Then one sticks. And another and another. At first, questions matter more than answers because questions are from within. It is only when answers are also from within that they begin to matter.
Brahman is not another kind of entity, not another kind of object. But what is it? How can we be sure it is not just pure nonsense masquerading as something deep and spiritual?
Brahman is far more than nonsense. It is in fact the most real thing we can possibly experience for it is existence itself.
Existence itself is that which makes it possible for all the entities of the world to exist.
#Vedanta #Spirituality #Philosophy #Ontology #Hinduism #Advaita #Nonduality
#vedanta #spirituality #philosophy #ontology #hinduism #advaita #nonduality
A Sunday morning reflection on #AdvaitaVedanta and St. Anselm's ontological argument, and why Vedanta escapes from Kant's famous objection that existence is not a predicate, providing a phenomenological and methodological means of Self-inquiry for Self-realization, which is God-realization.
#Vedanta #Hinduism #Philosophy #Theology #Spirituality #God #Metaphysics #Writing #Blogging #Consciousness #Phenomenology #Ontology #IndianPhilosophy #Advaita #Nonduality
#AdvaitaVedanta #vedanta #hinduism #philosophy #theology #spirituality #god #metaphysics #writing #blogging #consciousness #phenomenology #ontology #indianphilosophy #advaita #nonduality
#Introduction #artist #art #arthistory #music #culture #design #leftist #protopia #metamodernism #advaita #vedanta #theself #transcend #digitalart #prints #lgbtq #neoromantic #nft #cleannft #sustainability #abstract #romanticism #kindness #agoodlifelived? #lgbtq #photography #architecture #lifelonglearner #blender #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #SriRamakrishna #middleaged #fuckit #labelsonhumans #willdieoneday
#Introduction #artist #art #arthistory #music #culture #design #leftist #protopia #metamodernism #advaita #vedanta #theself #transcend #digitalart #prints #lgbtq #neoromantic #nft #cleannft #sustainability #abstract #romanticism #kindness #agoodlifelived #photography #architecture #lifelonglearner #blender #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #sriramakrishna #middleaged #fuckit #labelsonhumans #willdieoneday
Egyptian theology and metaphysics seems to jive with Neoplatonism and Advaita Vedanta
#egypt #india #theology #philosophy #metaphysics #nous #psyche #brahman #neoplatonism #advaita #vedanta
#egypt #india #theology #philosophy #metaphysics #nous #psyche #brahman #Neoplatonism #advaita #vedanta
Egyptian theology and metaphysics seems to jive with Neoplatonism and Advaita Vedanta
#egypt #india #theology #philosophy #metaphysics #nous #psyche #brahman #neoplatonism #advaita #vedanta
#egypt #india #theology #philosophy #metaphysics #nous #psyche #brahman #Neoplatonism #advaita #vedanta
RT @RupertSpira@twitter.com
What Is Emptiness? #rupertspira #advaita #nonduality #spirituality #awakening #enlightenment #meditation #nondual #vedanta #consciousness #awareness #emptiness
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RupertSpira/status/1617109312375062528
#RupertSpira #advaita #nonduality #spirituality #awakening #enlightenment #meditation #nondual #vedanta #consciousness #awareness #emptiness
Alive in the heart, dead in the mind.
#advaita #spiritwork #meditation #AIArt
#advaita #spiritwork #meditation #aiart