Update on privacy in Apple's ecosystem
Every year I watch the WWDC sessions that have to do with privacy. I find them very interesting. So this year for the first time I will try to write a summary about it. Saved you watching 4 WWDC sessions with a total time of 1 hour and 15 minutes.
#WWDC #WWDC23 #Privacy #PrivacyManifests #CloudKit #AdvancedDataProtection
🚀 Boost would be highly appreciated
#wwdc #wwdc23 #privacy #privacymanifests #cloudkit #advanceddataprotection
📣 A new #PreciselyPrivate update is out / È arrivato un nuovo aggiornamento di Precisely Private
#ProtonDrive #AdvancedDataProtection #MullvadBrowser #FirefoxFocus #FirefoxTranslations
#PreciselyPrivate #protondrive #advanceddataprotection #mullvadbrowser #firefoxfocus #firefoxtranslations
It was about time to turn #advanceddataprotection on, but the experience was rather clunky. Trying to activate this on #iOS just gave me a spinning wheel running forever. After the device went to sleep, the feature was off as if I had never touched it. I was only successful on #macOS, but even here, the process took veeery long without any visual feedback. That being said, it feels pretty good to have #e2ee for most #iCloud related stuff.
#advanceddataprotection #iOS #macos #e2ee #icloud
A little PSA 🔓 ✌🏻
#icloud #advanceddataprotection #encryption
heise+ | Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung: So will #Apple #iCloud-Nutzerdaten besser schützen | heise online https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Ende-zu-Ende-Verschluesselung-So-will-Apple-iCloud-Nutzerdaten-besser-schuetzen-7469308.html #AdvancedDataProtection #ADP #heiseplus #E2EE #encryption
#encryption #e2ee #heiseplus #adp #advanceddataprotection #icloud #apple
This is very niche but it’s not like apple actually has support: Do any of you have Advanced Data Protection enabled? It had me enter a recovery key when I signed up, but now it’s bugging me to add another one. These two screenshots display what seem to be inconsistent states, but are simultaneous. macOS seems aware of the recovery key (both that it exists and the specific one). How do I get ADP to stop nagging me to add a recovery key? Will mine work? #apple #advanceddataprotection
#apple #advanceddataprotection
Any UK #Apple users who are able to see and enable #AdvancedDataProtection yet? Trying to see how the rollout is working.
#apple #advanceddataprotection
I'm going for it. #apple #AdvancedDataProtection
#advanceddataprotection #apple
Tag des Datenschutzes und Apple zeigt ein lustiges Video
Es ist Tag des Datenschutzes und Apple zeigt ein lustiges Video dazu. Es geht um die Daten eines "Durchschnittstypen".
Mit dem Release von iOS 16.3 hat Apple die Advanced Data Protection eingeführt. Wir haben dazu ja schon was geschrieben. Am Tag des Datenschutzes zeigt Appl
#News #AdvancedDataProtection #Apple #Datenschutz #iOS16.3
#News #advanceddataprotection #Apple #datenschutz #ios16
Does #AppleTV+ app on Samsung tv (of course configured with my iCloud account) count as not ios16 device not allowing me to activate #Apple’s #AdvancedDataProtection ?
#appletv #apple #advanceddataprotection
Thanks Apple. :apple_old_logo: #AdvancedDataProtection #Privacy
#advanceddataprotection #privacy
Wichtigsten Punkt aktiviert ✔️ #iOS16dot3 #AdvancedDataProtection
#advanceddataprotection #ios16dot3
macOS Ventura 13.2 mit Advanced Data Protection veröffentlicht
Neben iOS / iPadOS 15.3 hat Apple heute Abend auch macOS Ventura 13.2 freigeben. Das Update bringt vor allem die Advanced Data Protection.
Morgen gibt es neue Macs, passend dazu hat Apple heute Abend auch macOS Ventura 13.2 freigegeben. Die neue Version
#Feature #Mac #13.2 #AdvancedDataProtection #macOS #Update #Ventura
#feature #Mac #advanceddataprotection #macos #update #ventura
HomePod und verbesserter iCloud-Datenschutz: Apple gibt Tipps für Steckenbleiber
Aufgrund von Inkompatibilitäten kann ein neuer HomePod an Apples Advanced Data Protection scheitern. Nun gibt das Unternehmen Tipps, wie man das verhindert.
#ADP #AdvancedDataProtection #AppleHomepod #Datenschutz #E2EE #HomePod2 #HomePodmini #Update #Verschlüsselung #iCloud
#adp #advanceddataprotection #applehomepod #datenschutz #e2ee #homepod2 #homepodmini #update #verschlusselung #icloud
Erweiterter iCloud-Datenschutz ab kommender Woche in Deutschland
Mit iOS 16.3 kommt ein breiterer Rollout von Apples Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung für die iCloud. Auch Deutschland ist mit dabei. Doch was ist mit Metadaten?
#ADP #AdvancedDataProtection #Datenschutz #Deutschland #FBI #Polizei #Verschlüsselung #iCloud
#adp #advanceddataprotection #datenschutz #deutschland #fbi #polizei #verschlusselung #icloud
Nice! Starting today #Apple’s Advanced Data Protection is available in #Europe. Now ALL #iCloud data is end-to-end encrypted 👍 Just don’t loose your recovery key.
Downside I saw: older devices like my MacBook Pro mid 2014 won’t be able to use #AdvancedDataProtection. I had to remove it from my account.
Is it because the hardware is old or is #macOS #BigSur and older not supported?
#Apple #Europe #iCloud #advanceddataprotection #macos #bigsur #security #e2e #encryption