We are back to good old German vs Scottish combat this week. This time for hotel rooms at a resort. Seems apt for this time in the summer? #advancedsquadleader #wargaming #HexesForever #aar https://hongkongwargamer.com/2023/08/13/db127-grand-hotel-britannia-after-action-report-aar-advanced-squad-leader-scenario/
#advancedsquadleader #wargaming #hexesforever #aar
Combined arms! OBA! Fighter Bombers! Bocage!! TEN Panthers!!!!! An ABSOLUTELY Glorious Carnage of a game!!! #advancedsquadleader #wargaming #aar https://hongkongwargamer.com/2023/08/29/bfp25-from-villebaudon-to-valhalla-after-action-report-aar-advanced-squad-leader-scenario/
#advancedsquadleader #wargaming #aar
On the 1% chance that #advancedsquadleader fans here have not already heard, MMP released ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3 yesterday: https://mmpgamers.com/asl-starter-kit-expansion-pack-3-p-391
Mine is on the way! #HexesForever
#advancedsquadleader #hexesforever
Spent the evening playing through S4 of ASLSK1. A good fight. I made some idiotic setup choices with the Americans, who definitely suffered worse by dice gods, and the Germans *only just* pushed through. So mplany broken units that if the last leader hadn't got off the board on this turn, I doubt any of them ever would have made it.
Fun times, scenario 5 is up next!
#sologaming #asl #advancedsquadleader #hexandcounter
After posting this, I realised I'd missed something. So now the back of the t-shirt shows the broken side of the counter!
#asl #advancedsquadleader #customclothing
I made my own ASL t-shirt. Now I can feel like a leader, and maybe 1 in 100,000 passers-by will give me a nod of understanding. Yay, ultra-niche nerd fashion!
Our venture through Korean War (LFT Fight for Seoul) continues! #advancedsquadleader #aar #koreanwar #fightforseoul #lft https://hongkongwargamer.com/2023/07/23/ft-smr6-foxs-fretful-night-after-action-report-aar-advanced-squad-leader-scenario/
#advancedsquadleader #aar #koreanwar #fightforseoul #lft
Crossing the Moro HASL from Lone Canuck, partway through day one. My FBs were a bust vs his tanks, but I did stun one with my OBA
@MultiManPub #advancedsquadleader
board and card games I love:
#advancedsquadleader #empireofthesun #diplomacy #illuminati #munchkin #fluxx #carcassonne #magicthegathering #acquire #liberte #axisandallies #dominion #citadels #wizwar #awfulgreenthingsfromouterspace #elefanthunt #webandstarship
I picked up "Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit #1", and I've finally forced myself through the (somewhat poorly written) rules enough to start my first game. This first turn has taken _much_ longer than it should, but I'm enjoying it. Looking forward to diving deeper into the rules, but so far I prefer Star Fleet Battles for some old school gaming (but that may be down to the writing of the rules!)
#tabletop #wargaming #solo #asl #advancedsquadleader
JR Tracy on the SU-85/100 Soviet TD https://www.youtube.com/live/nmC61LdgTFw?feature=share #tanks #afv #ww2 #advancedsquadleader
#tanks #afv #ww2 #advancedsquadleader
HongKongWargamer — Today at 11:40 AM
All the VASL Arid & Desert maps for LFT15 are available for downloading #advancedsquadleader #wargames #wargaming #VASL https://lefranctireur.org/spip.php?page=article&id_article=176
#advancedsquadleader #wargames #wargaming #vasl
Okay, now that I am officially a Mastodon Wargamer (TM), I should post something about a wargame.
On Friday, I had a day off and treated myself to a quick solo game of #advancedsquadleader Starter Kit 1, scenario NEV2. This photo shows the end of the game. The Germans were attacking the Russian position. To win, the Russians needed to control, with Good Order units, at least 2 buildings. They started with about a dozen.
The dice made sure that the Russians won, but as you can see, it was still a very near thing! #HexesForever
#advancedsquadleader #hexesforever
Liebe Cosim-Freunde,
es freut uns sehr, vom heutigen Start von Conscripts! 2023 zu berichten.
Wir wünschen den 14 Teilnehmern in Nedensdorf (Bayern) viel Spaß und Erfolg!
#conscripts! #aslconscripts! #advancedsquadleader #aslturnier #nexus #nexusberlin
#conscripts #aslconscripts #advancedsquadleader #aslturnier #nexus #nexusberlin
BFP25 From Villebaudon to Valhalla : looking to stuff up 10 Panthers in bocage country. Realising another level of play - not looking to kill but looking to delay at every turn. Baz can't kill Panthers but it can dictate its VCA. #advancedsquadleader
We've gotten some great games to the table in the past few weeks with #Claim, #BloodOfAnEnglishman and #Raptor being at my personal top for 2p (only).
Also, I realized that taking train cards in #TicketToRide multiple turns in a row feels like "Skip-a-turn... skip-a-turn... skip a turn.
Finally, #Eleven futbol management Euro solitaire is so far a deep, intriguing experience. I'm also learning it from Italian rules so that makes it feel like #AdvancedSquadLeader.
#claim #bloodofanenglishman #raptor #tickettoride #eleven #advancedsquadleader
The Russians had super bad luck, and so the Germans keep on taking buildings, crossing streets with impunity, using demolition charges and flame throwers… Ugly house to house fighting ensues. Next round, every round, there's a chance for Russian reinforcements. They just need to prevent their hold from collapsing completely.