@dontreportme @popcornreel The reason why these acts of #StochasticTerrorism occur is because they are in fact "#AdvancedSuicides" and they are exclusively comitted against marginalized people.
And since cops have no legal duty to "protect and serve" the community but instead get "qualified immunity" for brutalizing citizens, the situation is how it is...
#advancedsuicides #stochasticterrorism
@NewsDesk The problem is that the #USA embrace said #StochasticTerrorism by rewarding it with #PropagandaOfTheDeed.
That's why these "#AdvancedSuicides" are so rampant: The perpertrators get rewarded with #airtime on millions of screens!!!
That's the problem: What people do to other people and showcase.
not the non-sentient tools used to do so!
#airtime #advancedsuicides #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #USA
@mpesce EXACTLY!
This is why #MassShootings in the #USA are rampant, because #Mainsteam #MassMedia are depend on #ratings for #advertising and rewarding #StochasticTerrorism in the form of "#AdvancedSuicides" will keep people tuned in on said linear broadcasting "news" channels...
That's why this is basically exclusive to the #US despite it neither having the most [il-]legal weapons per capita in circulation nor having the most relaxed laws by a long shot.
#US #advancedsuicides #stochasticterrorism #advertising #ratings #massmedia #mainsteam #USA #massshootings
@radicalfaery interestingly, the role of #mainsteam #MassMedia in sprading #PropagandaOfTheDeed is casually ignored when it fact it's the only reason why #AdvancedSuicides are spreading across the #USA.
Cuz if it were #guns then we'd see an equal distribution per capita and guns among #G7 & #G20 nations, but that's not the case!
#g20 #g7 #guns #USA #advancedsuicides #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam
@everyshowjoe No, the #USA needs a change in how it handles #Violence and that means stopping rewarding #AdvancedSuicides with media attention!!!
#advancedsuicides #violence #USA
@albinanigans this too is part of the #USA's #ViolenceCulture where #MSM is pushing #PropagandaOfTheDeed and thus endorsing #StochasticTerrorism.
Most people just refuse to accept this #InconvenientTruth, but it's the logical explanation when it comes to both #Cops #murdering without facing #accountability nor #consequences and #AdvancedSuicides in the form of #MassShooting|s...
#massshooting #advancedsuicides #consequences #accountability #murdering #cops #inconvenienttruth #stochasticterrorism #propagandaofthedeed #msm #violenceculture #USA