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Last updated 2 years ago

@bookstadon Time for some quality bathtub reading. On the menu tonight an of Miss Major Speaks: The Life and Times of a Black Trans Revolutionary. Miss Major speaks nothing but the truth and we best listen to her. This one drops Tuesday, January 31st. Go hit up your local for a copy.

"The 99% of statues that celebrate one person, it's bullshit. Regardless of whether they deserve a statue or not, those people didn't get to do anything great without a damn crowd of people they worked with to get there. " - Miss Major (Miss Major Speaks ARC pp, 11. 2021)

#advancereadingcopy #indie #bookstore #missmajor #missmajorspeaks #transgender #transpride #transliberation #BlackTransLiberation #blacktranslivesmatter

Last updated 2 years ago