Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Bootcamp für die Nintendo Switch wurde zum Release auf der Cartridge in der Version 1.0.0 ausgeliefert und brauchte bis heute keinerlei Update oder Patch. Fühlt sich an wie aus einer anderen Zeit ❤️
p.s.: Game ist top!
Jetzt 7 Tage in der Mediathek von #RadioX
#DrPongsPraxis Sendung im August 🤙
#VirtuaVerse Point&Click 🖱
#AdvanceWars Strategie 🫡
#RagingBytes Zombie #RPG 🧌
#Unijoysticle neue 🎮 am alten #C64
Musik 🎶 🎧
#MasterBootRecord #VirtuaVerse
#radiox #DrPongsPraxis #virtuaverse #advancewars #ragingbytes #rpg #unijoysticle #c64 #smashtv #masterbootrecord
Am Sonntag den 13.08.23 sind wir um 12 Uhr wieder auf Sendung 🔊
#DrPongsPraxis präsentiert euch im August wieder viele schöne Themen 🤙
#VirtuaVerse Point&Click 🖱
#AdvanceWars Strategie 🫡
#RagingBytes Zombie #RPG 🧌
#Unijoysticle neue 🎮 am alten #C64
#Klassiker des Monats 🕹
Musik 🎶 🎧 diesmal von
#MasterBootRecord #VirtuaVerse
FM 91.8 #RadioX 📻 🌍
#radiox #DrPongsPraxis #virtuaverse #advancewars #ragingbytes #rpg #unijoysticle #c64 #klassiker #masterbootrecord
I bought the #Hyperkin #RetronSQ thinking I would dust off my old #YuGiOh and #DuelMasters cartridges and maybe teach my kids to play them.
I was surprised that #AdvanceWars for #Gameboy was the big hit with me and with the kids. I never quite gave it a fair chance when I first bought it. It's quite good, after the steep learning curve.
Sadly I can't find my cartridge of the #Pokemon Trading Card Game.
#hyperkin #retronsq #yugioh #duelmasters #advancewars #gameboy #pokemon #retrogaming
I bought the #Hyperkim #RetronSQ thinking I would dust off my old #YuGiOh and #DuelMasters cartridges and maybe teach my kids to play them.
I was surprised that #AdvanceWars for #Gameboy was the big hit with me and with the kids. I never quite gave it a fair chance when I first bought it. It's quite good, after the steep learning curve.
Sadly I can't find my cartridge of the #Pokemon Trading Card Game.
#hyperkim #retronsq #yugioh #duelmasters #advancewars #gameboy #pokemon #retrogaming
I bought the #Hyperkim #RetronSQ thinking I would dust off my old #YuGiOh and #DuelMasters cartridges and maybe teach my kids to play them.
I was surprised that #AdvanceWars for #Ganeboy was the big hit with me and with the kids. I never quite gave it a fair chance when I first bought it. It's quite good, after the steep learning curve.
Sadly I can't find my cartridge of the #Pokemon Trading Card Game.
#hyperkim #retronsq #yugioh #duelmasters #advancewars #ganeboy #pokemon
Episode 74 is Here!
Open your hearts and ears to @deKay, @asktoby and Kendrick talking about Ubisoft, the not-@evercaderetro Super Pocket, Skibidi Toilet, and games like #HaloInfinite, #AdvanceWars, #CodeVein and All the #TMNT games you can imagine.
Listen! Tell your friends! Tell people who aren’t your friends!
#tmnt #codevein #advancewars #haloinfinite
... und #Schallplatten gibt's auch noch ☺️
#VinylRecords #AdvanceWars 🔊
#Schallplatten #VinylRecords #advancewars
Advance Wars 1+2 für die Switch macht auch auf den 2. Blick mächtig was her. Das Gameplay ist fluffig und auch die "moderne" Grafik wirkt auf den Punkt 🫡
Keine Atempause. Am Wochenende geht's ins Boot Camp 🫡
Ya he terminado la campaña de Advance Wars 2 en Switch.
La campaña del primer AW parece un poco un juego de puzles: los mapas son bastante pequeñas y cada uno tiene más o menos una solución que te permite completar el nivel en muy pocos turnos. La mayoría de mapas se terminan en menos de 10 turnos.
La segunda campaña en cambio es más táctica: muchos mapas son gigantes, controlas a varios comandantes y se basan en "guerra de trincheras". Hay que bloquear con tus unidades tochas al enemigo y romper sus defensas poco a poco. En varios mapas he necesitado hasta 25 o 30 turnos y aún así he conseguido puntuación máxima en velocidad.
Me costó 10 horas completado la primera campaña y 20 la segunda. Clara muestra de las misiones requiren más tiempo.
Mi estrategia básica en esta partida ha consistido en abrumar al enemigo con montones de unidades aunque fueran muy débiles. Uno de los personajes puede fabricar unidades más baratas y otro es capaz de crear unidades nuevas en cada ciudad que controla. En algunos mapas he combinado los dos para generar más caos.
Ahora me faltan un par de misiones para completar al 100% la segunda campaña. Luego me pondré con las campañas avanzadas y quizá me atreva con el online.
More #Introduction stuff:
Height: 192cm
Weight: lots
Hair: terrible black clown wig, half asked moustache
Eyes: 2
Video game stuff:
Genres: I'll play most things, but particularly #metroidvania , #JRPG , #GrandStrategy , #retro #platformers
Franchises: #Pokemon , #FinalFantasy , #Sonic , #Mario , #Metroid , #ElderScrolls , #AdvanceWars , #MassEffect
TV/movie stuff:
#Simpsons , #Futurama , #DragonBall , #OnePiece
#reptiles , #snakes , #turtles , #spiders
And lots more!
#introduction #metroidvania #jrpg #grandstrategy #retro #platformers #pokemon #finalfantasy #sonic #mario #metroid #elderscrolls #advancewars #masseffect #simpsons #futurama #dragonball #onepiece #reptiles #snakes #turtles #spiders
Fast forward to my 28th piece, the prompt of that day being - Advance Wars.
(It's a military-themed turn-based strategy game on the Nintendo platforms, it's fun!)
I had practiced isometric pixel art in one earlier prompt - but this one was much better, I was happy with the result.
I took of the units from the game to study and turn into this isometric projection version. I remember the wheels being super difficult to figure out though 😆
#pixelart #mastoart #advancewars #nintendo #aseprite
Estoy muy enganchado al Advance Wars 1+2 de Switch. Nunca compro juegos que ya tengo aunque estén remakeados pero en este caso soy tan fan de la saga que no me pude resistir.
Aunque me gustaría que hubieran añadido más novedades porque de momento excepto los gráficos todo parece exactamente igual.
"Advance Wars is a turn based strategy video game that sees you take control of a CO of an army and faced off against another CO of an army to try and defeat that foe, either by capturing their HQ or destroying all their troops. " #gaming #NIntendo #AdvanceWars #review
#review #advancewars #nintendo #gaming
This is gonna be it for a while, a #yellowcomet #flak, it was a valuable excursion
#blender #Blender3d #tank #blenderart #3dmodeling #AdvanceWars
#advancewars #3dmodeling #blenderart #tank #blender3d #Blender #flak #yellowcomet
Hello! Episode 72 is here! Well, not here. There. In that link.
And speaking of link, Link! Which we talk about. You know, #tearsofthekingdom. But also #advancewars 1+2, Tales of Zestiria, Control, #FantasyZone and more! It's the best #podcast we've ever done in late May this year, and probably the only #videogame podcast to cover books about countries that no longer exist and how government officials used to drive to Berlin in the 1970s. No, really.
#videogame #podcast #fantasyzone #advancewars #tearsofthekingdom
Hello! Episode 72 is here! Well, not here. There. In that link.
And speaking of link, Link! Which we talk about. You know, #tearsofthekingdom. But also #advancewars 1+2, Tales of Zestiria, Control, #FantasyZone and more! It's the best #podcast we've ever done in late May this year, and probably the only #videogame podcast to cover books about countries that no longer exist and how government officials used to drive to Berlin in the 1970s. No, really.
#videogame #podcast #fantasyzone #advancewars #tearsofthekingdom
It's time for the final battle! Come watch as I try to continue my undefeated streak as I play the Advance Wars mission titled "The Final Battle."
#stream #streaming #twitch #SmallStreamer #AdvanceWars #TheFinalBattle
#stream #streaming #twitch #smallstreamer #advancewars #thefinalbattle