For #WipWednesday I am still slowing working on my #adventMittens. This the first one with green and red on the same rows. They are close in intensity (look at the difference in B&W) however for Christmas colours I like it when red and green are similar like this. @knitting
Remembering to post for #FibreFriday some work on my #adventMittens I knit these inside out, always knitting but on the back side. It’s a little harder to sit back and admire your work, but it really helps the floats at the side.
I can always turn the mitten right side out, to check pattern easier. @knitting #knitting
#fibrefriday #adventMittens #knitting
The #adventMittens are coming along. Different yarns means slightly different sizes, which I am okay with. The one I am working on now (3) will have the number duplicate stitches just how those rows were set up. I will also need to figure out best way to block them all to similar size. (do I have wire to bend or just cut something out.) Still time to ponder but open to ideas.
Why yes, I am not knitting them in order. #fibreArts #fibreArts #knitting
#adventMittens #fibrearts #knitting