I've transferred my #AdventOfCode account away from Twitter auth. While I was there I threw a few pounds their way, but I've accidentally sponsored #adventofcode2021 again instead of #AdventOfCode2022 . ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
But given how much I enjoy it, and recently my kids have, I'm happy to try again!
#adventofcode #adventofcode2021 #AdventOfCode2022
Quite proud of #AdventOfCode2021 solution where I wrote my own parser combinators.
Doing some #AdventOfCode2021 at 8:30 over at http://twitch.tv/real_jeeger. I've practiced, so I imagine we'll be able to finish at least one problem today!
Barring my earlier complaints about pattern matching, I seem to have found my groove with #AdventOfCode2021 and Racket.
Some more #AdventOfCode2021 streaming in Racket. Last two were quick, so maybe we can actually finish a solution.
Okay, hopping back on for a bit to see if I can *do* something with this CSV: https://stream.cincodenada.com/
#forth #adventofcode2021 #livestream #owncast
I've completed "Lanternfish" - Day 6 - Advent of Code 2021 #AdventOfCode #AdventOfCode2021 https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/6
This one was a doozy.
cc @schlink
#adventofcode #adventofcode2021
Okay, I'm several days behind in #adventofcode and I have a little time before I should get to bed, so let's start at day 7 and go backwards, shall we?
As usual, streaming at my #owncast server. Come hang out while I grumble at #RetroForth for a bit! https://stream.cincodenada.com
#livestream #programming #forth #adventofcode2021 #retroforth #owncast #adventofcode
Alright alright alright, some morning #AdventOfCode2021 streaming at http://twitch.tv/real_jeeger
Here's my day 2 solution in Rust:
#adventofcode #adventofcode2021
This is my first #adventofcode, really fun. I've read problems gets more difficult near the end, so we'll see.
I decided to do #adventofcode2021 in Python because I didn't want to complicate myself too much. I'm not even trying to be clever with code.
I'd like to complete all past editions. Next language I want to try is C.
#adventofcode #adventofcode2021
Oo. I can't wait to do day 2's exercise. I'm more excited about using nom to code up the parsing than I am the math (which seems trivial)
#adventofcode2021 #adventofcode
#AdventOfCode2021 stream at http://twitch.tv/real_jeeger at 7:30. Early edition today.
This year for #adventofcode, all the languages I was interested in playing with felt like they were gonna be a lot of work to learn and actually solve things in. I didn't feel quite up to it this year so I hacked out day 1 in #QB64 - which is a delight but hardly new, QBasic is the first language I coded in!
But then @nihilazo started poking around in retroforth. Forth was high on my list but I didn't know what flavor to go with, so I gave retro a run, and it's nice, just enough bells and whistles to be approachable.
After porting over my initial #QB64 solution to Forth and tearing my hair out over variable declarations, I took a fresh run at it with stacks in mind, and ended up with what I think is a pretty nice, tidy solution. Especially nice was that when I needed to clean up the stack to do the full solution rather than leave the whole list in memory, it was literally removing one word. Fun! Yay fedi folks!
#adventofcode2021 #forth #stackbasedlanguages #retroforth #programming
#programming #retroforth #stackbasedlanguages #forth #adventofcode2021 #qb64 #adventofcode
I think I'm actually going to participate in #adventofcode2021 this year. I want to get more comfortable with Rust and this seems like a perfect opportunity. Anyone else participating?
Who's joining Advent of Code this year?
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Side note: Poll is set to 7 days, so a closing notification can serve as a reminder before or on December 1st. (At least here on Mastodon.)
#adventofcode #aoc #aoc2021 #pollsarefun #adventofcode2021